The Greatest Revolution in  Human History

The Greatest Revolution in Human History

By Ray DiLorenzo “Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.” ~Shakespeare, Julius Caesar A global war has been declared. This is not hyperbole, this is not conspiracy. A violent revolution IS taking place. It will be...
You Were Warned

You Were Warned

By Ray DiLorenzo How is it that we have more crises than Carter’s got pills?  They are all coming at you in a constant stream, one after the other, sometimes all at once with apparently no enduring solutions proposed for any of them.  It’s like being...
It Doesn’t Have to Happen

It Doesn’t Have to Happen

By Ray DiLorenzo This article is not about the Titanic.  It’s about another ship…the ship of state rapidly sinking into the abyss.  In fact, one could make that statement about most of Western civilization.  Yes, the ship is sinking and the captain, his...