It Doesn’t Have to Happen

It Doesn’t Have to Happen

By Ray DiLorenzo This article is not about the Titanic.  It’s about another ship…the ship of state rapidly sinking into the abyss.  In fact, one could make that statement about most of Western civilization.  Yes, the ship is sinking and the captain, his...

CrossTalk on RT – War without End?

Can there ever be a lasting peace in Ukraine and Europe as long as Kiev’s backers only want continued conflict? The west has the wrong priorities. It is looking to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia. Instead, peace will return when security is guaranteed for all....

A Free Press – RIP

A Free Press RIP By Ray DiLorenzo Same paper, same dates, different markets. Is this real or fake? Media sometimes caters to what their audience predominantly wants to hear.  Financial Samurai A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in...