Fighting Fire In California

Fighting Fire In California

By Ray DiLorenzo That’s me flying over Mt. Palomar Observatory in San Diego County. Visibility was at a premium that day, but we saved it. Since the current news is totally devoted to the fires in California, and justifiably so, I thought I would talk about my...
What The Left Didn’t Count On

What The Left Didn’t Count On

By Ray DiLorenzo People around the world, especially here in America, have witnessed one of the greatest reversals in history. We have produced and lived the cancellation of a revolution, a revolution to undermine and destroy the greatest nation in world history. The...
Dems Have Learned Nothing

Dems Have Learned Nothing

By Ray DiLorenzo President Trump making his case with Pelosi and Schumer over the need for a border wall. Schumer expressing his disapproval, almost never looking at Trump. The Democrats are in disarray. They lost bad. They couldn’t pick up even one battleground...
Managed Decline?

Managed Decline?

Ray DiLorenzo Last week a story appeared in Breitbart that got little attention. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY), looking back at his career, declined to take responsibility for the ‘managed decline’ our country has experienced. Yes, we have declined these...
Jan 20 Can’t Come Soon Enough

Jan 20 Can’t Come Soon Enough

By Ray DiLorenzo The craziness and insanity are coming to an end. What we have seen these past four years has been a shock to every patriotic American. What was once an area reserved for the pride and joy in us has turned sour, especially in three areas: government,...
America’s Naked Dilemma

America’s Naked Dilemma

Ray DiLorenzo “How can we teach our children that violence cannot always solve their problems when our government always turns to violence to solve its problems.” Anonymous The United States is in a dangerous place. Because of almost four years of weak...