War Is Upon You

War Is Upon You

By Ray DiLorenzo People living in modern civilization—especially in the West—play by the rules, live within their means, love their families, and cherish their children’s future. We get up in the morning, go to our jobs, or to our tasks, not thinking about any...
Future Shock Is Here Now

Future Shock Is Here Now

By Ray DiLorenzo “I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.” ~Harriet Tubman Anyone can see that society is changing, and not for the better. The Greatest Generation is long gone. The self-image and...
No (Straight) Line In The Sand

No (Straight) Line In The Sand

  By Ray DiLorenzo The Left is always babbling about their ‘values,’ their superior moral principles. Their pomposity can be seen everywhere in government, certainly in academic circles, and in the media, especially in front of a camera. Many people...
14 Months to Live

14 Months to Live

By Ray DiLorenzo I’ll start with several ifs. If the Democrat National Committee (DNC) employs the same tactics in 2024 as it did in the 2020 election, if the corrupt Deep State and the intelligence community cooperate with the DNC, if Election Day remains election...
This is Where We Are!

This is Where We Are!

By Ray DiLorenzo   Beverly Hills If you take stock of where we have traveled as a nation these last two and a half years, one can only marvel in disgust at the divergence in our morality, standard of living, personal safety, national and economic security, and sense...
Let’s Call It Treason

Let’s Call It Treason

By Ray DiLorenzo “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Edmund Burke, 1729-1797 If you do nothing in a difficult time, your strength is limited. Proverbs 24 Millions of people around the world are beginning to...