Citizens Commission for Restoring America

Citizens Commission for Restoring America January 29, 2023 Directive 1 -2023 To: United States Governors Directive 1-2023: Restore America The Citizens Commission for Restoring America represents a diverse set of citizens who seek to restore America by exercising our...

CCRA Movement

CITIZENS COMMISSION TO RESTORE AMERICA   Mission – To safeguard the American Dream, Constitution, and Freedoms for future generations of Americans by ensuring the resilience and security of our Republic.  Strategy – A good strategy ties the ways and means...

Negligent Public Officials

  CCRA Release Elected Positions at State and County Levels of Government Violations of Oath and Criminal Negligence By MG Paul E Vallely – MG US Army (Ret)  January 23, 2023  Why are Governors, Mayors, and District Attorneys above the law regarding criminal...

Citizens Commission to Restore America-The Plan

Mission – To safeguard the American Dream, Constitution, and Freedoms for future generations of Americans by ensuring the resilience and security of our Republic. Strategy – A good strategy ties the ways and means together to achieve the desired end. The Ways are to...

Citizens Commission to Restore America-Directive 1-2022

To:  US Government – Stop Wasting and Spending our Money The federal government spends money on a variety of goods, programs, and services to support the American public and pay interest incurred from borrowing. In fiscal year (FY) 2022, the government spent $6.27...