by Paul Vallely | Aug 29, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – In a recent Facebook discussion on the Cowboy Logic page, several people posited that Republicans are pro-war and therefore are responsible for many of today’s ills across the globe, and most notably Iraq. As usual, the discussion...
by Paul Vallely | Jun 18, 2014 | Articles, MidEast
Editor’s Note – The following report was the subject of last night’s “Cowboy Logic” radio program on WDFP, and was hosted by Donna Fiducia and Don Neuen. Their guests were the authors of the report and the show was riveting. You will...
by Paul Vallely | Jun 11, 2014 | Articles, Politics-DC
Editor’s Note by Scott W. Winchell, SUA It is a mystery why President Obama wanted to release the Taliban five, yet sent a drone to kill Anwar al Awlaki, an American citizen in Yemen. He also sent in Seal Team Six to get Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, spiked the...
by Paul Vallely | Aug 3, 2012 | MidEast
Editor’s Note – Once again we want to post a story that points out how ludicrous it is that people think that Obama has one major asset that Romney does not have – foreign policy experience. Yes he does have more, the trouble is, its a...
by Paul Vallely | Feb 11, 2012 | MidEast
Editor’s Note – No matter how things turn out in Syria, we can trust in one basic aspect of its future, fanatical Islamists see an opportunity, a void, and will likely fill it and gain control. They have one goal, world dominance, and even their own fellow...