The Tenth Amendment  And  The Coalition of Red States


By Dr. Lani Kass The presidential election is still eight months away. Yet the campaign to preclude a second Trump administration has already reached a fever pitch. In the past two weeks, the public has been treated to “searing” images of the undemocratic, uncouth,...
The Tenth Amendment  And  The Coalition of Red States

We are at War! 2024

by MG Paul E Vallely US Army (Ret) Chairman of the Stand Up America US Foundation The average American Citizen cannot even begin to comprehend the savagery, horrors, and bloody carnage that will be unleashed within the United States by the hundreds of thousands of...
Election Integrity: can it be Restored?

Election Integrity: can it be Restored?

by George Mcclellan Our First Amendment continues to be the whipping post for Progressives who are determined to make America socialist. They keep us divided by stirring up friction between the races by uttering threats of another pandemic coming, which they think...
Election Integrity: can it be Restored?

Why Is the Border A Big Issue? Will Bankrupt America

by George Mcclellan The chaos at our southern border can no longer be hidden or denied. Joe Biden accused Trump and his MAGA followers of being responsible for the crisis there. Except to complain that Trump GOP refused to advance Schumer’s silly senate bill to...

Lorem Ipsum – Blog Post Sample 3

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse commodo urna cursus orci aliquam ultricies. Vivamus a condimentum justo. Phasellus laoreet non lacus ac ullamcorper. Pellentesque cursus justo nunc, sed molestie metus porta vitae. Quisque mauris...