by editor | Dec 6, 2019 | Articles, Military, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America, Terror
Trump asks if Democrats ‘love our country’ amid ongoing impeachment hearing By: Brett Samuels President Trump on Wednesday questioned whether Democrats love the country in light of the ongoing impeachment inquiry in the House. The president tore into...
by editor | Dec 2, 2019 | Articles, Economy, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America, Terror
National Security Will Trump any Impeachment Endgame Impeachment and Its Effects on National Security of America By: Paul E. Vallely MG US Army (Ret) December 2, 2019 The House impeachment inquiry is set to move into a new, more public phase in the coming...
by editor | Nov 26, 2019 | Military, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America, Terror
Latka has a taxi problem. Goodwin: Impeachment trial is the ace up President Trump’s sleeve By: Michael Goodwin November 23, 2019 Here’s my slam-dunk choice for the Quote of the Year: “I want a trial.” The President of the United States said that Friday...
by editor | Jul 29, 2019 | Homeland, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America, Terror
A Status Review The good news is that our Mother of Managers, RED China, continues to franchise its “One World, One Dream” surveillance and control solution based on its own Golden Shield initiative which produces “Happy Populations and...
by Paul Vallely | Nov 10, 2014 | Articles, Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Most transparent administration ever…? ‘Fraud in the inducement’ – Obama Care! The chief architect of this disaster now reveals that they relied on America to be “stupid’ and admitted it. We have reported...