by Paul Vallely | Dec 26, 2015 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Not surprising the Obama Administration choose to release this information on Christmas Eve. In a Politico article, they report; Thursday’s document dump, put out by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence in compliance...
by Paul Vallely | Jan 14, 2015 | Articles, Homeland
By Denise Simon and Scott W. Winchell With the surge of terror across the globe and here at home, especially after the Paris “Charlie Hebdos” attack and the kosher market massacre, everyone keeps asking, are they coming or are they already here? They are...
by Paul Vallely | Sep 9, 2014 | Articles, Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – The killing of Anwar al Awlaki and another US citizen, Samir Kahn by the CIA has raised questions of the legality of our government assassinating one of its citizens because he was a known terrorist operative/leader in 2011. Two questions...
by Paul Vallely | Apr 21, 2014 | Politics-DC
By Denise Simon In the last month, many Clinton administration documents were being released as were required by law. To date, we have seen documents that relate to enemies lists and how to stage and rebuke scandals, all of which lead to the just how they think and...
by Paul Vallely | Mar 29, 2012 | MidEast
Editor’s Note – When is a war not a war? Nine years of pounding Yemen apparently does not constitute a war. Whether it began as a by-product of the “War On Terror” or the renamed Obama version: “Overseas Contingency Operation”, its...