
Divided THEY Fall

Divided THEY Fall

By Ray DiLorenzo "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Matthew 12:25, Lincoln, 1858   For those who are not taught such things anymore, the traditional motto of the United States is "In God We Trust," but the motto on the Great Seal of our nation is "E...

Is Trust Gone?

Is Trust Gone?

By Ray DiLorenzo In these troubled times, it is disconcerting to find that too many people have no idea what is going on around them. They assume too much. They trust without bothering to know why. Leaders with familiar and unfamiliar faces plan their corruption,...

2024 – Can We Survive?

2024 – Can We Survive?

By Ray DiLorenzo Spring is in the air. The weather is getting milder by the day. But many people are getting nervous. We can pretend all we want that everything is normal, but many of us know better. An election is coming unlike any election in our lifetime or even...