
The Greatest Crime Wave in U.S. History

The Greatest Crime Wave in U.S. History

By Ray DiLorenzo In a banana republic, when people go against a criminal political order, demanding an investigation, protesting election chaos, and an apparent coup d’état, the government that stole the election takes a hard stand. But this was no banana republic. In...

The Fight Continues

The Fight Continues

Ray DiLorenzo Yes, Donald Trump won the presidency again. He won the popular vote and the electoral vote. He has the Senate and the House of Representatives. He enjoys a clear mandate to fix this fix what the Democrat Party broke...our inflated economy,...

Fighting Fire In California

Fighting Fire In California

By Ray DiLorenzo That's me flying over Mt. Palomar Observatory in San Diego County. Visibility was at a premium that day, but we saved it. Since the current news is totally devoted to the fires in California, and justifiably so, I thought I would talk about my...