Ray DiLorenzo

The United States of America has been in a doldrum, a malaise much like the Carter years, where we were told to lower our winter thermostats to 68 degrees and expect less of everything.

Following eight years of Obama, Hillary Clinton’s disastrous negative campaign, a well-deserved respite under Donald Trump, and four years of the miserable Biden/Harris administration, we have endured constant allegations of racism, greed, xenophobia, Islamophobia, misogyny, and, of course, the ‘deplorable’ behavior of Trump supporters.

Americans are justifiably tired of the constant attacks on them, our country, our freedoms, and our way of life. They are frustrated at paying high prices for energy, food, and just about everything else when we have the richest resources and the strongest economy in the world. We don’t want to continue expending trillions of our tax dollars to combat inflation when the spending is the root cause. We want no more illegal immigration and the costs associated with it. Either enforce the law or get out of the way. People are coming here and stealing from us. Yes, stealing. They are stealing from our education system, health system, national treasury, and taking up space in our criminal justice system.

The cartels have enormously expanded their illegal drug trade and trafficking in adult and child prostitution. Tens of thousands of children are missing from this miserable illegal immigration push, and this government doesn’t give a damn. The situation has escalated to the point where Border Patrol agents have threatened to leave the border if Kamala wins the election. The government has abused the good nature of the American people long enough.

We have had a bellyful of ‘in your face’ voter fraud. When Democrats sue states for cleaning up voter rolls and make it illegal to ask for identity before voting or to register to vote, we know what it’s all about.

In short, Americans are now demanding a return on their sweat investment and a restoration of a healthy distrust of government, and we will not tolerate any mealy-mouthed politician telling us that reality is what they say, not what we see. We will not accept any more sacrifice for climate change or any other BS-manufactured problem they come up with. We know that the scientists who have gotten behind climate change are doing so to protect their funding.

Donald Trump has nothing to prove. He has shown himself to be a strong leader and deal-closer extraordinaire, a person who can think quickly on his feet, knows exactly what we need, and gives foreign nations, union leaders, and opposition politicians cause to rethink their positions. He is also not afraid to think creatively. Trump’s center is his love of country, not what he owes to some person or institution. Who else would sacrifice their lifestyle for the absurdities he and his family have endured?

Elon Musk, like Trump, has a keen sense of business and forward vision unlike anyone in generations—a new Thomas Edison. It puts both Trump and Musk, as Victor Davis Hanson said, in a category as Renaissance Men. To Hanson, Renaissance men, like many of our founders, see what others do not. They are not specialists who have just one skill but many skills, doing them all with aplomb. You could also include Vance, who is a self-made man with no childhood advantages and a background akin to that of Abraham Lincoln from the hills of nowhere we heard of.

We watched as Obama spoke to us like children that stole candy from toddlers. We watched as he strode onto podiums like he was king, ruler, and wise beyond reproach. We watched as he spoke in religious institutions with figures of Christ and saints covered in black sheets on his insistence.

Obama divided the country like no president I have ever seen. He tore what little scab was left of the racism wound until it bled. And to totally confound Black people, he did nothing for them. His and his party’s insistence on forcibly turning our country into a neoliberal state gave us Donald Trump. Thank you!

Obama and Obama via Biden fed the classic liberal (no one else believed it) with enough guilt to cause permanent harm to their delicate psyche and caused Democrats to do things no person with any common sense would think of doing—like Pelosi, Schumer, and company kneeling with kente cloths wrapped around their necks, giving homage to Blacks who suffered inequity in policing. Inequity in policing? The arrest and incarceration of Black individuals was apparently excessive. The Democrats wanted to pass the Justice in Policing Act of 2020. An act designed to make sure we have equity in law enforcement. Think about that. Arrests on a quota basis.

Going back a few decades, Johnson devised a scheme to guarantee that Black people would vote Democratic for the next “two hundred years”—welfare. Pay Blacks to remain at home. Simultaneously, our Supreme Court was deciding whether or not to prohibit the presence of God in our schools. They decided wrong. More than any other decisions, those two choices began chipping away at our society. They destroyed the very institution that the Black family most needed. Black single-parent households increased from 20% to more than 70%. Single-parent households among white families increased from 5% to 25%. Without a stable, two-parent household, children suffer, have a higher chance of going to jail, and perform poorly in school. Despite spending trillions of dollars, the situation for the poor and Black people has not improved to any significant extent. In addition, abortion became legal, which specifically targeted Black women, as Planned Parenthood was intended to do. Politicians make political decisions. Trump is no politician and thank God!

Obama gutted NASA and our number-one aerospace position. It took Musk’s genius and private enterprise to bring it back where it belongs. Obama decimated our military while rebuilding Iran—Obama’s Iran Deal. He canceled sanctions and gave that terrorist nation $1.7 billion in cash in 2016 (AP). And what did they do with it? With all of Obama’s narcissistic and misplaced confidence that only he could bring Iran to heal, he decided that playing Santa Clause would make Iran happy and compliant, malleable, and our friend. The naivete was astonishing. For all his self-assurance, this was an utter failure a high school student could have foreseen.

We have had enough of DEI, mediocrity, ignoring our immigration laws, globalist aspirations, not prosecuting criminals, treating degeneracy as commonplace, slouching toward war, men being called toxic and feminized, and pessimism instead of optimism. We want to see an end to the burning of our flags in the streets, the destruction of statues, antisemitism, and the participation of men in women’s sports. The majority in this country wants normalcy. No, they demand normalcy.

We want to see America Be Proud Again.