By Ray DiLorenzo

Last photo of Thomas Crooks taken by a Secret Service sniper. It seems obvious he is in an aiming position. Why is he still alive at this point?

Americans are becoming totally frustrated and fed up with a government that is more of a facade than a reality. They see the trappings of government, stately buildings, people busily walking the halls, going to meetings, talking to the press behind microphones, and answering questions (somewhat). But there is a disconnect. What people want is to know what the hell is going on.

It seems forces are pushing this nation in a direction that no one voted for. No politician or responsible leader would push to rid the country of cheap, readily available energy in favor of, well, nothing. At least nothing viable. What insanity would allow millions upon millions of unvetted illegal aliens to enter our country? Frankly, it was the same insanity that allowed millions of nameless migrants to enter Europe.

The insanity stemmed from the same globalist thugs who targeted Europeans first.

They have demonstrably assaulted, injured, and severely battered Western civilization. Our governments have turned against us.

Many millions of people have now become aware of this push by the ranks of oligarchs to end our nation as we know it. We’ve endured the constant drone of impending calamity if we don’t give up our freedom and money to an unnamed cabal of unelected elites and bureaucrats. Their many predictions of doom falling from the sky only to be crushed in reality. President Trump was well aware of the goings on and was taking positive steps to counter them. For these mobsters, this makes him their number one elite enemy.

They will stop at nothing to end his reign in America. Why? Without America, their plan to consolidate the planet into a one-world system can never succeed.

Their power in the media allowed 24/7 attacks and harassment on Trump’s policy accomplishments, businesses, his family, and massive legal assaults to bankrupt him. He endured impeachments, prosecutions, a Kangaroo court conviction, the never-ending pronouncements of ‘convicted felon’ and constant legal battles to keep him off the presidential ballot.

But now we have something so nefarious, so heinous as to come from Hell itself—an attempt on his life. Do I believe there are forces intent on killing Trump, as well as the resistance to globalism he represents? …absolutely.

The last thing we needed was an attempt on Donald Trump’s life. Not just for Trump but also for the nation. It was not just about the deed, it is now about everything under the sun that goes with it. And what follows are conspiracy theories, some of which may not be theories; politicians calling for the usual investigations; and the resignation of the director of the Secret Service (SS), Kimberley Cheatle, the DEI woman who is either dumb or thinks we are. Included are an unimpressive FBI that will make pronouncements we shouldn’t trust, an infiltrated Department of Justice we know all too well, Homeland Security, and those who inevitably introduced Iran as the sole culprit. They do this to divert our attention from our government and from those who believe they need to safeguard their rice bowl.

So as not to be unfair about suggesting the director of the Secret Service is dumb, I will explain. When asked why nobody was stationed on top of that building (where the shooter was), she actually said, with a commanding voice, “We wouldn’t want to put somebody up on a sloped roof.”

The answer left me in disbelief. It felt as though we were embarking on a journey into the realm of Twilight Zone level government nonsense. The slope was shallow. It was significantly less steep than the roof the SS snipers occupied. It was an almost perfect sniper’s perch with an unobstructed, downhill view of the target. If someone were to place a bet on my ability to make a 150-yard shot towards a human-sized silhouette, I would confidently believe that the money was already in my pocket.

Interestingly, according to CBS News, a counter sniper team WAS inside that building AND took note of Thomas Matthew Crooks three times prior to the shooting. And why not? He was scoping out the area for probably 30 minutes prior to the shooting. After he scaled the roof, Crooks had plenty of time to set up without any law enforcement hindrance. Gateway Pundit.

There is some preliminary sonic analysis that says there was a second shooter INSIDE the building as well as the patsy on the roof. The analysis also showed that there were a total of nine shots fired from at least two weapons maybe three. Again, it is all preliminary. But I am not confident that the full story will ever come out of hiding.

Channel 11 News reported that a local police officer noticed a suspicious man on a roof near the rally at 5:45 p.m., called it in, and took a picture of the person. Authorities identified the man in that picture as Thomas Crooks.

If authorities identified a man with a rifle on that roof, why did they allow Trump to go out there and speak? [Channel 11 News] They knew at least 7 minutes prior to the shooting that a suspicious person was on a roof, with a rifle just 150 yards away.

I have seen a video of moments before the shooting taken from behind President Trump. It clearly shows a Secret Service agent walking behind Trump in a curiously bent posture. Others were there, but he was the only one in that position. The shooting had NOT occurred yet, but occurred about 10 or 20 seconds later. Was he expecting the shot? Julian Assange

The Trump shooting appears to be a case of “in plain sight.” Snipers are trained to shoot at distances up to 1,000 yards. Maybe they never thought of a target as close as 150 yards. Is that possible? Or was it the unthinkable? They allowed Crooks to take the shot.

I will add that it seems at least one of the SS sniper teams reportedly could not see Crooks because a tree was in his line of sight. But there were two sniper teams in position and one of them saw Crooks well enough to eliminate him.

If the SS says they are shorthanded, OK. I can understand that, especially during campaign season. But give us answers that don’t tax our common sense. It’s been reported that many of the ‘agents’ were not Secret Service at all, but Homeland Security, not familiar with Secret Service protocols. As Trump was being rushed to his car after the shooting, about a dozen men in SWAT garb appeared out of nowhere. Where were they prior to the shooting?

Local police often handle outer security, as the SS would admit. But why was an individual, in broad daylight, within 150 yards of President Trump, allowed to climb a ladder with a rifle and take up position on a rooftop? Why was that warehouse not included in the inner security perimeter? Whose responsibility was it for the security of that warehouse? No one seems to know. We’re told that local police officers have no access to communication with the Secret Service? Why is there no emergency frequency established that they could tap to alert them? The Epoch Times reported that local police did transmit on a tactical channel about a ‘suspicious male’ before shooting. But no one seems to know if the SS received it. This is not difficult stuff.

People who saw the shooter taking position and seeing his rifle got nowhere when they screamed to the police. When a local officer finally did investigate, he retreated from the roof when confronted with the shooter pointing his gun at him. To be fair, the Butler Township Police Department said they were charged only with traffic control. That’s possible, but that sounded like a ‘not my job’ moment.

We have learned that the Secret Service counter snipers saw the perp but were ordered not to shoot or neutralize the threat until he took the first shot. So, the perpetrator gets a free shot? And the shooter wasn’t neutralized until he took at least five shots. WTF!

Sure, we will get the conspiracy theories, and the government explanations, that’s a given, but nothing in this attack makes sense. We have a twenty-year old shooter who is conveniently reported to be a registered Republican. However, he contributes to left-wing organizations, and we’ve heard that he has ties to Antifa and an intriguing connection with Blackrock, a far-left investment firm that some have accused of supporting the Great Reset globalist movement.

Some interesting side notes, of which there are probably many. There was an attractive woman in dark glasses, mid-30s, seated directly behind Trump in the audience. When the shots rang out, everyone, understandably, freaked out and/or ducked. She, calm as can be, pulled her phone into position and filmed the immediate residual of the shooting from the audience’s perspective. This aligns with a theory from some of our sources, which suggests that this incident was a trial run. This theory was presented to me prior to the discovery of the woman involved.

The local sheriff, Michael Slupe, received instructions to “not send extra manpower and SWAT teams to the rally site…,” which is another intriguing detail.

This event begs for a deep investigation, and please leave the FBI and the Secret Service out of it. They cannot be trusted. They are the ones being investigated.

The reaction times and readiness of the Secret Service impress us. But we should be more impressed by the preventive measures taken.

These conspiracy theories are coming alive and already have offspring. I was a private investigator for a time. I learned from good people to believe everything and nothing and that there are no coincidences. Even the slightest piece of evidence needs to be taken seriously. It could be a small piece to a larger puzzle.

You can reasonably take away three elements: Unless the Secret Service is utterly incompetent, 1) The shooter was allowed to be on the roof. 2) He was allowed to take the shot(s) 3) He was killed, so he couldn’t talk.

Like so many conspiracies, much of what is shown is not reality by itself. I believe there are many players in this drama, both foreign and domestic. We have heard from multiple witnesses that insist there were shots fired from multiple locations including behind the stands.

Hollywood sometimes gets it right. In London Has Fallen, a Middle Eastern cabal plans and executes a plan to kill our president with the help of well-paid insiders in the government. Is this what we have in front of us? Is this what some are calling Dealey Plaza 2.0?

Does Iran, the Left, and the Deep State have something to gain from Trump’s death?

It is said that tyrants deliberately place incompetent and compliant toadies in ranking positions in order to mask the true workings of power. This administration has an abundance of them. Evil and incompetence are sometimes indistinguishable. But the people are in no mood for obfuscation or lies.

In the end, it wasn’t a Dealey Plaza. For that, we can only thank God Almighty. And Trump knows it.

All empires come to an end eventually, whether it be by external or internal forces. But it is our responsibility, our sacred duty, to make sure it doesn’t happen on our watch.