Origin of COVID – 19

Location of Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic Identified – Between Two of China’s Biological Warfare Facilities in Wuhan by Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D.   March 24, 2021 BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Location of Origin of COVID-19 Pandemic Identified – Between Two of China’s...

Bio-Chemical Contraband

 Bio-Chemical & Contraband Concealment by Dr. Robert Rail 3 22 2021 Carrying Bio-Chemical and contraband or carrying something hazardous to public safety and national security will be different than how a person carries routine containers or packages. The...

The Melting Pot to the Boiling Pot

Melting Pot to Boiling Pot   The Radical Left’s Identity Politics and Path to Genocide By Ed Haugland Guest Editorial 3 22 2021 America invited the world to come to its shores, to assimilate into a new culture, and it is worked incredibly well for centuries.  People...

Iran and the Bomb

NATIONAL REVIEW: Iran Probably Already Has the Bomb. Here’s What to Do about It By R. JAMES WOOLSEY , WILLIAM R. GRAHAM , HENRY F. COOPER , FRITZ ERMARTH  & PETER VINCENT PRY March 19, 2021 3:24 PM Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei delivers a televised...

Militarization of the Capitol

The National Guard and the Militarization of DC: A Constitutional Crises? By  Don McGregor (MG USAF -Ret) Guest Editorial March 20, 2021 Fox News recently published a story entitled Defense Secretary Austin overruled National Guard chief on keeping troops at Capitol:...

Who is our Military’s Enemy

https://amgreatness.com/2021/03/17/who-is-our-militarys-enemy/ Victor Davis Hanson March 17, 2021 Leftist administrations see the military foremost as a tool for accelerating their own progressive domestic changes. The U.S. military has now turned its wrath inward on...