
Time for Common Sense

Time for Common Sense

By Paul E Vallely MG, US Army (Ret) Col. Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr., USA (Ret.) Since the founding of the Republic, we, the people of the United States, have preserved the national legacy of the founders to protect our fellow Americans, who are God-fearing, law-abiding...

Their Only Weapon Left is Propaganda

Their Only Weapon Left is Propaganda

By George Mcclellan Guest Editorial Propaganda, plus acts of chaos against MAGA supporters including Elon Musk and at Republican Town Hall meetings, is the last desperate act of the Progressive Democrat party with no more cards to play. It signals their inevitable...

For What Reason War?

For What Reason War?

By Ray DiLorenzo Europe is in a bad way. They are struggling with cost-of-living issues, crime, housing shortages, stagnant economies, and a serious migrant crisis they brought upon themselves...what were they thinking? The massive migrant influx from the Middle East...

Building our Military for the Future

By MG Paul E Vallely (RET) To shape the future force, we must grow leaders who can truly out-think and out innovate adversaries while gaining trust, understanding, and cooperation from our partners in an ever-more complex and dynamic environment. The enduring...

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