By Ray DiLorenzo

In light of Kamala’s softball interviews with no questions, hardball interviews with no answers, drinking beer with Stephen Colbert on TV, no press conferences in almost three months, and listening to the same lines over and over again (“I come from a middle-class family”), the Democrats are either giving up on Harris or they have other plans. They always have other plans.

The Biden/Harris presidency was a complete disaster for the Democrats and a joke to the world. They thought they could get by; after all, Obama was making all the decisions. Biden seemed disoriented in nearly every appearance, whether it was abroad or stateside, embarrassing Americans at every turn. And now Harris is assured to embarrass us even further. Biden was an absent candidate and now president, unwittingly spreading strong suppositions of a 3rd Obama presidency with Biden the puppet. Now Kamala Harris is poised to become the next puppet in waiting.

She came to the Democrat nomination without a single vote from a party that says they are the savior of democracy. She was a candidate in 2020 without almost any support from her own state. As of this writing, the polls are still predicting a close election. But does it feel like one? NO! Despite the flowery predictions and optimistic smiles of the mainstream media, things are not looking good for Harris and the Democrats.

For those of us who were there, the media told us the 1980 election between Reagan and Carter was going to be a squeaker. It wasn’t. Just before the election, the polls called for 45% Carter and 42% Reagan. The reality was vastly different. According to the National Archives, the final electoral vote count was a massive loss for Carter, at 489 for Reagan and 49 for Carter. A landslide win for Reagan. The third-party candidate, John Anderson, received 5.7 million votes with no electoral votes.

But those were different times. Elections were more honest. You had to prove who you were—either vote absentee or appear in person. It was unheard of to mail in votes weeks before an election. We didn’t have 30+ million illegal aliens in the country and a political party working to get them registered to vote sub-rosa. There was little fraud until Democrats began hurting for support. Ridiculous estimates from Penn State show an unauthorized immigrant population in mid-2022 of 11.3 million…really? It was 11 million 20 years ago.

These words perfectly capture the essence of the Biden/Harris presidency: ‘Are you going to believe us or your lying eyes?’ Trillions spent on who knows what, massive inflation caused by excessive spending, the intentional building up of Iran (has Obama written all over it) by money drops in the middle of the night. The lifting of oil sanctions emboldened and afforded Iran to support Hamas and Hezbollah and any other willing terrorist group to the extreme detriment of our best ally in the Middle East, Israel. Moreover, leftist protests against Israel remain widespread throughout the nation.

We have seen almost 20 million illegal aliens enter our country without as much as a question, a vaccine that they pushed on us, or any vetting process while still insisting the border is closed by morons like Mayorkas. Tens of thousands of criminals direct from foreign jails now roam our streets.

A virus did not escape any lab in Wuhan. It was researched, manufactured, and released by Chinese and American scientists to destroy the Trump presidency and experiment with population behavior modification. Who in their right mind would damage their own country?

War is coming, and no sane person wants it except those that will profit from it.

Kamala is going nowhere. In fact, she’s backing up without a rearview mirror. Biden and Harris tell the country that they were together in every major administration decision. A curious pronouncement. Could they possibly be that out of touch to think that is a positive? A CBS 60 Minutes show finally gets professional and asks Kamala tough questions and gets no answers, none. They had to ask the same questions two or three times, and still they got nothing.

The Democrats’ attacks on free speech, especially with Hillary Clinton and John Kerry chiming in practically calling for prosecution of opposing opinions has not helped.

Gov. Gretchen Witmer (D-MI) mocks the Catholic Church communion by feeding a Dorito chip to a kneeling leftist podcaster and films it!

The essence of the Democrat Party has turned socialist. They have plenty of communist members. They don’t like our Constitution, our capitalism, our freedoms, our churches; they certainly don’t like our 1st and 2nd Amendments. They try to pour sugar on it by calling it Democratic Socialism, but it’s Communism with a used car salesman grin.

The only issue the Democrats are adept at is abortion. When it comes to killing your child, they have all the answers…Abortion pill, suction, dilation, evacuation, extraction. Abortion anytime, anywhere, for any reason. Bill Clinton’s “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare” was just the door opening they needed. In 2017, the Guttmacher Institute said 1 in 4 women in the U.S. will have an abortion by the age of 45. Rare? It bears similarities to the homosexual marriage issue that mysteriously became a civil right. They said they wanted rights, but what they really wanted was to be in your face, in your school, in your public libraries, and on your White House lawn. And now the government tells them they can change their gender. What’s next?

With Trump promising no complete abortion ban, the Democrats’ position has been substantially weakened.

No matter where she goes, Kamala sounds like a candidate who just woke up and hasn’t had her coffee yet. She lacks the ability to articulate herself and lacks knowledge about almost any topic, with the exception of yellow school buses. In a recent conversation, a former DOD security analyst, Michael Maloof, said to me concerning Harris, “She has no strategic vision, and she’s dumber than dirt.”

Facts are coming out that the FEMA money needed for hurricane relief was given to illegal aliens and is almost gone while victims of Helene and Milton are going to be fending for themselves unless they move money around. $157 million in humanitarian aid went to Lebanon, billions went to a very corrupt Ukraine, and trillions of dollars were spent on God knows what, with nothing but massive inflation and migrant crime to show for it. Even if they do get some funding, like the $750 per household per Helene, what will $750 cover and where can they locally spend it? It is my understanding that the money is a LOAN! Is Lebanon going to pay us back?

This is a broken political party that has lost touch with the people it claims to represent. It begs the question: when was the last time this federal government spent billions or trillions of dollars and its people saw some benefit?

Scripture says government exists to protect its people from evil doers, not be the evil doers. Our founders told us to have a healthy distrust of the government. And now Americans are weary—weary of losing any semblance of control over their country and of watching helplessly as traitors and RINO operatives take down our country for their own power and profit.

It appears that Americans are participating in a fraternity pledge slap and are expected to say, “Thank you, sir; may I have another?”