Women Defending America Project (WDA)
Americans First – MG Paul E. Vallely and others spoke at the Freedom Summit in Lansing, Michigan for MiC-PAC.
There, the General met many conservative women who had enough and wanted to do something immediately about it. At that meeting the General and the women’s group formed the “Women Defending America” Project.
This is the first in the nation group who decided it was time to form ‘platoons’ of conservative women across America, from every state.
It is time to take back the discourse from the left and speak for the millions of women and their families who are largely swamped by liberal talking points.
The folks in Michigan are proud to be the first of these “platoons” and encourage all like-minded individuals to join them, women with the support of the men and families in their lives; fathers, sons, husbands, brothers, and more who support family first and are Americans First.
America is exceptional because those who identify themselves as Americans First, those who believe it is America who has changed the Earth for the better, those who believe in reaping the rewards of their hard work and entrepreneurial spirit, those who fought and died for us, not to conquer, but to free others from tyranny, and those who helped correct what failed, and secured the freedom for all.
The time is now to correct the public record on America First issues, women’s America First issues. It is now time to recover our Representative Constitutional Republic and State’s Rights and to shun those who seek office for greed, avarice, and party first politics. It is our goal to educate the public and speak for our rights, and not to allow others to steal our voices and control the discussion.
It is our goal to correct the record on the history of the rights of all Americans, to correct the untruths, to combat the demagoguery of the left, to hold our press accountable, to hold our elected and appointed officials to their oaths, to right this ship of state, and to set our economic future on the path of prosperity.
It is our goal to reclaim our national security and to support our troops, our veterans, and their families. To do this, we women will unite as one, with the support of the men and our families in our lives; to support those who proclaim and demonstrate that they are Americans First.
To inquire about interviews, organizing your own platoon, or seeking more information, contact one of the following:
Denise Edwards – Communications Director, email her here.
WDA PAC Mailing address:
945 S. Rochester Rd Suite 104
Rochester Hills, MI 48307
Join us on Facebook and press “Like”
Arlene Allen – State Director, MI Platoon
Lila Bradley – Vice State Director, MI Platoon
Kirsten Hydorn – Secretary, MI Platoon
Sharon White – Treasurer, MI Platoon
Denise Edwards – Communications Director, MI Platoon
A PDF entitled WDA – Trifold-R2 is available here that you can print out. It includes the following:
Page 1:
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Form 1: