With the news of door-to-door visits starting already, it is even more important to know your rights. Please check read through the list from KrisAnne Hall. Extremely smart lady who just happens to be a great lawyer too. (krisannehall . com) (libertyfirst.legal)
Your Power to Trespass (Beware of growing totalitarianism)
By KrisAnne Hall,
If a government agent or assignee comes to your property, it will be important to those who wish to protect their privacy and property to KNOW THEIR RIGHTS.
• You do not have to answer ANY QUESTIONS or make ANY STATEMENTS to ANY GOVERNMENT AGENT or assignee. (5th Amendment of the US Constitution and corresponding section of your State Constitution)
• Simply asking an agent to identify themselves does not waive your Rights.
• You have the Right to be free from any government agent or assignee entering your property, your home, or your business without a properly obtained warrant. (4th and 5th Amendments of the US Constitution and corresponding sections of your State Constitution.)
• Simply demanding a copy of that warrant does not waive your Rights.
• You have the Right to tell any government agent or assignee to leave your property if they cannot produce a properly obtained warrant. (4th and 5th Amendments of the US Constitution and corresponding sections of your State Constitution.)
• Simply demanding an agent or assignee of the government to leave your property does not waive your Rights.
• If a government agent or assignee refuses to leave your property or returns to your property after being warned against entering or returning, that agent or assignee has committed the crime of Trespass and is subject to arrest. (State Law, 4th & 5th Amendments to the US Constitution and corresponding sections of State Constitution as confirmed by Supreme Court Opinions).
• You have the Right to record through audio, video, or photographic recording of any government agent or assignee on your property, either with or without consent of that agent or assignee.
(Multiple Federal Court Opinions recognize that the First Amendment plainly protects the filming of officers and public agents.)
EVEN PERSONS ACTING AS AGENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT MAY BE TRESPASSED. State and US Constitution’s guarantee that every person is to be secure in their property from searches and seizures without a warrant based upon probable cause issued pursuant to the rules of due process.
Agents of the government cannot simply enter private property based upon the color of law or a perceived need. The US Supreme Court, June 23, 2021, in CEDAR POINT NURSERY ET AL. v. HASSID ET AL. established that a law that allows agents of the government or even permits private citizens the authority to enter property without a warrant or invitation can amount to the taking of that property and is therefore contrary to the Constitution.