The MacArthur Society
The MacArthur Society is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit education organization focused on institutional reform at the United States Military Academy. Its members are graduates of West Point. Retired Soldiers with close associations to West Point have expressed an interest in joining and helping – and will be accommodated as associates.
Reforms are required to serve the needs of the U.S. Army and the Nation for the rest of this century.
Restore the Honor System to the Corps of Cadets with an absolute standard of integrity.
Restore academic excellence in every degree-granting program.
Restore the highest standards of meritocracy, excellence, and integrity.
End race-based admissions of candidates and selection of faculty and administration.
End teaching, training, and favorable discussion of the Cultural Marxism of Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity at USMA.
Reform the faculty’s composition and terms of service to increase the role of active duty and retired Army officers in classroom instruction.
Reform the core curriculum to serve the U.S. Army for the next century.
Reform Corps-Squad athletics recruitment, privileges, and exemptions to teach athletes more fully as members of the Corps of Cadets.
Improve USMA to ensure that graduates add a quantitative and qualitative difference to the Army from every other officer accession program.
Improve USMA to motivate more graduates to serve successful careers as Army officers.
Improve the process for the periodic review and accountability for USMA.
The Cultural Marxism of DEI and CRT must be pulled up branch and root.
The sine qua nonobjective of all the reforms is to thoroughly fix the Honor System to teach the Honor Code to Cadets. USMA must restore honor in Duty, Honor, and Country. If you agree with that, from the classic last line in Finding Nemo, “Now What?”
Plan A.
The MacArthur Society proposes that if a new president is elected in 2024, a Presidential Executive Order be issued for a blue ribbon commission on the United States Military Academy in January 2025. The commission is called “Borman 2.0” to equate the seriousness of today’s issues and the level of response required with the 1976 Cheating Scandal. The Commission would complete its work in one year. In 2026, implementinginstitutional reforms for USMA to serve the Army and Nation better should begin.
The MacArthur Society is working with other Service Academy graduate organizations, the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 for presidential transition, and members of Congress to plan and prepare the Presidential Executive Order, the Commission and professional staff, and Congressional support.
Plan B.
Suppose a new President isn’t elected in 2024. In that case, the MacArthur Society will focus on Congress to make incremental changes and inform the Great American Public (GAP) about what is dangerous and must be fixed at USMA.
Go to the website (it is being upgunned and re-released in Jan 24) Go to the upper right “Log In” button and choose the sign up option.
Recruit other Grads. Inform others and ask them to join. If the MacArthur Society represents more than 5k Grads, that’s 10% of the roughly 52,200 living West Pointers. Every Grad counts.
Give what you can in tax-deductible donations. $750k in 2024 will fully fund web support, information campaign, legal advice, research assistance, editing, and graphic support. A lesser amount for 2025 would go to building support for the “Joint” Borman 2.0 Commission and the hard part – reform implementation. You can donate on the website.
Help manage, research, and write. MacArthur Society is doing the preliminary staff work to build 8 “Books” to hand off to the professional Commission staff in January 2025. These 8 Books are Honor, Academics, Admissions, Military Leadership, Athletics, Cadet Life, Staff & Faculty Administration, and Army Requirements.
Recommend. Recommend individuals of national stature for the Borman Commission and individuals of significant substance to be engaged in the staffing, vetting, and reviewing of findings and proposed reforms. Email or post your recommendation on the Website.
Contact: Jim Bowden, CL 72,