By Paul E Vallely, MG, US Army (Ret)
We are currently in a global battle for free speech and freedom. The potential loss of these freedoms is a grave concern, and the time to act is now. If we lose this fight, the consequences will be irreversible. This is the moment to wake up and join the struggle. We must awaken, America.
Brazil has just banned the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, after it failed to meet a deadline set by Supreme Court judge Alexandre de Moraes to appoint a new legal representative in the country. Brazil did not awaken and is now led by a Marxist, communist regime.
In the past, the Brazilian government has made numerous requests to censor and remove users, and we have refused to comply.
The judge in Brazil has ordered the “immediate and complete suspension” of X until it complies with all court orders for censorship and pays existing fines. The dispute began in April when the judge ordered the suspension of dozens of X accounts for allegedly spreading disinformation.
The head of Brazil’s telecommunications agency, tasked with suspending the platform, said he is “proceeding with the compliance” to do so. The platform is expected to be unavailable in Brazil. Moraes gave companies like Apple and Google a deadline to remove X from their application stores and block its use on iOS and Android systems. He added that individuals or businesses using VPNs to access the platform could be fined R$50,000.
The ban on X will persist until the platform appoints a new legal representative in Brazil and pays fines for violating Brazilian law. In a bold stance, X had previously declared its refusal to comply with the demands, arguing that Judge de Moraes’ orders would force them to violate Brazil’s own laws.
Brazil’s recent move is a stark reminder of the escalating global conflict between governments and American tech companies over free speech. From France’s arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov to Germany’s harassment against Gab for its refusal to censor and hand over user data, and now Brazil’s ban on X, the fight for free speech on the internet is a critical global issue.
The outcome of this battle will have far-reaching consequences for various issues, including abortion, gun rights, and foreign wars. We must hold our ground and fight to preserve free speech and a free internet.
If not us, then who? If not now, then when?
Christians all around the world are being censored and silenced for their beliefs. Don’t think for one second that once these governments take our free speech, they won’t use it to make our faith prohibited by law. It’s happened many times throughout history and will happen again if we stand by and say nothing while we still can.
We must stand up and fight back against this tyranny, daring to say “no” to the most powerful governments and institutions in the world in the name of free speech. Our children are counting on us to leave them a world better than the one we grew up in. Free speech is the only thing that will make that possible. We cannot let them down.

America and its citizens have witnessed a betrayal in our blessed country for several decades. Hostile acts by foreign and domestic enemies have focused on fundamentally changing America forever and dismantling its traditions, values, and rights so eloquently stated in our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Our freedoms have been eroded by a corrupt federal government that has politicized and weaponized government agencies with actions against our citizens. In August 2016, then CIA Director John Brennan briefed Barack Hussein Obama, Joe Biden, and other senior Administration officials about Hillary Clinton’s game plan to steal the 2016 election from Trump, which the FBI later called Crossfire Hurricane.
President Obama and VP Biden should have terminated this unconstitutional, Treasonous act immediately. However, the Obama Administration enabled it through the FBI, CIA, and DOJ actions. The Durham Report later confirmed there was no precedent for Crossfire Hurricane. However, these Patterns of Behavior were set three weeks after Obama was inaugurated when his Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Jim Clapper, and John Brennan moved a CIA Special Access Program using cyber warfare called Hammer/Scorecard that was used to listen to adversaries and change election results to Ft Washington MD and listen to political adversaries in America. Obama used it in the 2012 Election to win Florida. Again, there are more constitutional violations by the Obama Administration.
The 2020 Election saw the most flagrant voting violations in history, documented by Dinesh D’Souza’s video documentary 2000 Mules and Joseph Fried’s Book Debunked, highlighting why accurate audits are needed in American Elections today. For instance, Pennsylvania had 202,377 more ballots than voters, so someone had a printing press, yet Vice President Pence did not contest this illegal certification on 6 Jan 2021 at the Electoral College. Biden won eighty-one million votes, yet Obama’s highest was 66.8 million in 2008. It has not passed the smell test, yet anybody who questions it is branded a disbeliever. We will show you why this election is the keystone to significant acts of Treason never experienced in US History. Global elites, Wall Street profiteers, and foreign adversaries have compounded Treasonous acts against our Republic.
“We the People” must dutifully fix our Republic and hold trustworthy 2024 elections. We must have a “spiritual awakening” that brings equal justice, honesty, faith, and integrity back to our elected representatives, officials, and employees at all levels of government (Federal, State, and County). We must follow our Constitution, which we have sworn to “uphold against all enemies foreign and domestic.”
What is the purpose of a constitution? To limit government of, by, and for the people. It’s as simple as that! So why do politicians ignore it and try so hard to grow government and expand governmental authority? Because they don’t believe the people and think that “experts” can govern better. Where do they find these so-called “experts,” and why do we accept their expertise simply because they have PhDs and can opine smartly on what’s best for America? Remember that old ‘saw’ those who can do and those who can’t teach?’ Well, that’s where their experts come from smart folks without practical experience. I hope we haven’t forgotten “the expert” Dr. Anthony Fucci and his death-dealing COVID-19 Jabs. Apart from the government closing down on his “expert” advice and mandating vaccinations for all, he held patents on those medicines, and every time you were duped into submitting to one of his jabs, he pocketed more dollars. Well, they keep trying to push experts on us, but we’re not there yet; that’s the goal of the World Economic Forum and their goal of creating a New World Order.
The New World Order cannot proceed with constitutional conservatives at the helm of America’s government. America, therefore, must be reduced to standards of poverty, starvation, and want, forcing the people to call out for the government to save them. The upcoming election is of utmost importance, as it will determine the future of our nation. Nobody can save us, at least until November, when Donald Trump becomes president again, but he has four years to get something started. The Democrat contender for the top prize in the presidency of the United States is Mistress Harris. Notwithstanding that, she is a far-left radical socialist idiot, and whose running mate credential is revealing Tim Walz to be a Maoist, it’s still Donald Trump whose continued presence stands as a clear, present, and future danger to the State of the Progressive Union ambitions. He must be stopped! Trump’s problems don’t stop there; he must contend with Uniparty politicians who control the levers of our bureaucracy and don’t want to fool with his Constitutional nonsense. There’s too much money to be made, too much power to wield, and too much control to exercise over the ordinary uneducated peons to give it all up to a billionaire builder who wants to restore America to its Constitutional beginnings. But it’s this very restoration that we need, a return to our Constitutional roots, that can inspire hope and a brighter future for our nation.
Looking closely, we can easily discern that the federal government runs at two, possibly even three levels that conduct America’s business. The first level is what we see: constitutionally elected representatives and senators making laws as the Statesmen they are and as the Constitution provides. To this level, we get emotionally involved in attending meetings and campaigns, listening to candidates making promises they may or may not keep, and participating in get-out-the-vote schemes. That’s the highest level of our government involvement. The second level is the unelected federal bureaucracy, the inbreds that put those laws into effect or not, supposedly to ensure the spending of taxpayer funds is done efficiently. This level, in the past two decades, has morphed into the Deep State, faceless socialist bureaucrats enacting rules and regulations upon the authority Congress gave them that stifle industry, hinder innovation, and generally become a nuisance to ordinary citizens. All this is costly. Within the deep state lies the generator of government spending, the real money state operating for, of, and by the Military-Industrial Complex. This machine serves as a gateway drug to pass spending bills in the name of National Security. To get this money, the Deep State connives with politicians to create enemies, and everybody profits.
Lurking deep within the bureaucracy is the most powerful of the deep state entities, the Intelligence Community whose ability to affect decisions, policies, or people is so great, so massive, and so intrusive that they effectively operate as the ‘spark plug’ that gets things done, or not! The president can change the top leadership of these agencies, and that includes the DOJ, CIA, DIA, and DOD, and appoint his or her creatures to silently go around the Constitution to affect measures that the Deep State wants, the Constitution be damned. They’re gone if the bureaucracy’s leadership is not with the game. All live in fear for their jobs, and even some, like the slavish Clinton followers, have lived in fear for their lives. The Clintons set the standard for totalitarian fear of disloyalty, and already, our country displays all the symptoms of becoming that very totalitarian state. The Progressive Deep State now leans heavily toward the far-left radicals appeasing the Islamic Jihadists, whose singular intent is to destroy the Great Satan, and the Chinese, whose singular purpose is to control the world. Somewhere in that formula is a New World Order. Whose will it be? That’s why the State of our Union sucks. “Anybody of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody”…Thomas Payne.