by Paul Vallely | Jul 19, 2015 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – A couple weeks ago, just prior to Independence Day, Bill Whittle recorded one of his now famous ‘Afterburner’ monologues, this time on the subject of the ‘sordid history’ of the Democratic Party and racism called...
by Paul Vallely | Jul 18, 2012 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Like many groups in this crazy world, history started at different times apparently. Revisionism is rife, and that skews opinions wildly. Obama appears to be one of those revisionists. Of course, his history is what he says it is, and we...
by Paul Vallely | May 24, 2012 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – SUA has been stating this fact over and over – who do you believe? The numbers game is not a game anymore. The media and the left twist everything. Then the talking heads race with it – and the common citizen has no way of...