by Paul Vallely | Mar 5, 2013 | Politics-DC
By SUA Staff – The Brennan nomination for CIA Director clears the committee hurdle while Eric Holder sends a shocking letter in response to queries by Sen. Rand Paul. The most transparent administration is of course the opposite as the Senate now must vote on...
by Paul Vallely | Feb 26, 2013 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – As the ‘sequester’ deadline approaches, the public is exposed to just how our government works – that is, if they are paying attention. The measly amount that is set to be cut is being blown out of proportion by the...
by Paul Vallely | Feb 20, 2013 | Politics-DC
By Denise Simon – The ‘sequester’ is close to implementation and we may see exactly what happens when political wrangling trumps our security. The President blames the Republicans in the House of Representatives, but it was Obama and Jack Lew who...
by Paul Vallely | Jan 11, 2013 | Politics-DC
By SUA Staff – With the incessant ‘end runs’ around the Congress in his first four years, now it looks like the big one is before us – applying some arcane twisted logic that the 14th Amendment gives the President unfettered spending power....
by Paul Vallely | Dec 11, 2012 | Articles, Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Remember when Nancy Pelosi famously said the following about the Obamacare Bill? It was passed without knowing the details but now that its being implemented, even Democrats are crying foul, or is it “fowl”, as in the roosting...