by Paul Vallely | Nov 10, 2015 | Articles, Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – It’s the rule-of-law Mr. Obama! Okay, maybe not for the Obama and Clinton types who rule by fiat and expect you to take the punishment and just ask for another one. Fortunately we have Texas, a state none-to-pleased with Obama’s...
by Paul Vallely | Dec 20, 2014 | Politics-DC
The Knives Come Out for Senators Cruz and Lee Republican leaders don’t want them to derail Obama’s amnesty. By Andrew C. McCarthy – NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE Last weekend, Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee forced every senator to vote, on the public record, regarding...
by Paul Vallely | Dec 16, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Ruling that Obama’s decree was “beyond prosecutorial discretion,” we now have a court agreeing with what we all knew – Obama overstepped his authority. Alas, we are so used to his misdeeds (being nice) it should be cheers, but...
by Paul Vallely | Nov 20, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Once again Andy McCarthy has nailed the issue – this time on Obama’s upcoming justification for unilateral action on immigration. To put it simply, prosecutorial discretion as a basis for Obama’s upcoming action is...
by Paul Vallely | Oct 14, 2011 | Homeland
By Denise Simon, Editorial Board – Eric Holder has so much going on in the background as this ‘transparent’ government is clouded in smoke and mirrors, and obstruction of Justice. 300, 000 illegals get to stay in the United States due to a loophole?...