Released and Distributed by Stand-Up America US Foundation
October 30, 2018
Look at the purposeful, political, illegal, alien invasion of the United States that is bringing once eradicated diseases back into our schools and communities, massive gang crime that is killing young Americans in schools and on the streets, drunken driver deaths, housing benefits, food stamps and free medical, plus social security benefits given to the illegal alien invaders all by too many politicians in our US Congress, both the House and Senate. Worse is the fraudulent voting by illegals that has changed the outcome of some elections that American voting citizens desired, that in turn greatly affected needed laws NOT written in the US congress. The American public voted decisively to have a border wall built on the US Mexican Border in 2006. Is a specific political party aided by a very few misguided political elites from the other party responsible for this failing, costly, deadly, culture changing American nightmare that has been growing since President Reagan departed the White House? Congress, where is the wall?
Think about what Obama Care deceit, deception and medical destruction has done to the Medical Profession and overall Health Care for America! And to top it off Obama Care was retained by one angry Senator who cast the deciding vote to continue this exploding, corrupt, costly medical nightmare at great negative expense to taxpayers. Congress, why this failure?
Look straight up into the sky and see the many different chemical trails being sprayed from high flying jet aircraft, lingering, slowly expanding and spreading out to become thin white clouds that can gradually dispense particles of metallic aluminum, aluminum oxide, barium titanate, sulfur dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, black carbon or other chemicals that can greatly affect human medical problems. What is the reason for this, that the public is not being told? Is it for weather modification, seeding the clouds for rain, controlling climates, reflecting the sun heat to cool the planet, to form a Space Fence that can deter UFO’s and ET’s, or covertly reduce the planets rapidly expanding over population? Congress, who’s been making these hidden decisions?
What about the very possible treason and lies to the American people with four great Americans being killed at Benghazi along with American war fighting weapons being filtered into opposition Muslim Brotherhood attempts to establish a Caliphate from Iran to Morocco. War on Terrorism was declared by President G.W.Bush soon after the 9/11 attack. Is the US still at a declared war footing and therefore can treason against US citizens still apply as may have happened at Benghazi? Congress?
There apparently was a fraudulent attempt to keep the present POTUS from being elected in 2016 and further attempts to have him impeached by a political opposition still reverberate within the Halls of Congress. Violence by masked political opposition rages on the city streets in some cities in the United States and Congress has made no move to quell these masked criminal’s, some who are reportedly paid for their baseless activities. Who is responsible for these crazed actions against American citizens and elected plus appointed politicians? Congress get busy.
Facts; The United States of America is a Republic; its citizens are Sovereigns and are superior to the US Government. The Constitution of the United States is a charter of government deriving its whole authority from the governed, the sovereigns, who exercise their rights through their elected US Representatives and Senators with the citizens vote being the final Key in expressing ones will, preference or choice of Congressional leadership, for establishing the Rule of Law, providing National Security, repelling invasions and writing needed Laws, all for the well being of US citizens. Further it is the Constitutional Responsibility of The elected President to execute the office of the President by administering the Laws of the land as written by the US Congress however he cannot act for greater good when no laws are written giving him the authority needed.
Therefore, very basically and factually, it is the U S citizen voters who are responsible for the well being, safety, security and National Defense of all America within the Continental Limits of The United States of America, by their vote choice of a Congress to support the President.
So, why is this Nation and the American children’s future in such a disarray and jeopardy in the year 2018? After all, America now has a President, the first president since Ronald Reagan departed the White House, who is standing foremost on the US Governments front lines and fighting daily for the people and this Nation to bring peace and prosperity for all. Yet there has never before been witnessed a political opposition creating deception, disruption, discord, violence and pure evil within this one of a kind Constitutional Republic on Planet Earth, The United States of America. Have the voters bottle necked America with a congressional failure?
Why? Very simple, because far too many citizen voters, sovereigns all, have allowed fatal and pure evil flaws of failed leadership at the Legislative Branch of US Government to nearly overturn the United States of America by an illegal alien invasion. Voters who have through lack of attention to national detail, a lack of wisdom, far too many who have a blank America First mindset and who blindly follow the elite political party politicians who do whatever it takes to steal the power to rule, then want to confiscate far too many taxes from wages, salaries and retirement incomes and immorally use all the fraudulent illegal alien votes they can muster via the corrupt Clinton Motor Voter Registration system. That, in and of itself, is nothing more than political party voting in place of using enough common sense to vote for your country. All by countless citizens who are uninformed or misinformed and unable to address matters and issues that critically affect their nation and their own households. It’s American citizen voters who have sat back while answers are available on the internet, at libraries and research facilities while stupidly voting for a political party rather than vote for the good and well being for their own country and their children’s future. Political Party over Country? Why O Why this nonsense?
It is congress with a self-serving politically purposeful illegal alien invasion of decades when the majority voters want a security wall built on the US/Mexican border that no one can climb over undetected; it is congress who is not stopping the secret chemical spraying of the earth’s atmosphere; it is congress who can assemble a group of politicians who WILL develop an affordable health care system for the less fortunate American citizens plus affordable medical insurance for all others; it is congress who can stop skyrocketing medicine costs; it is congress who can eliminate the unholy, dastardly, destructive un-necessary interest on the National Debt; it is congress who can legislate cheap Zero Point energy for all humanity; it is congress who can give the President the tools (laws) to do what America must have for its people. The sovereigns who are supposed to be superior to government, but too many have been stuck on stupid for far too long because they have voted for partisan political party corruption rather than vote for their own government, their children’s, and even their own secure and free future.
When voting American citizens begin voting for their country, via US Congress, our President will then have the necessary laws, via a responsible Congress, both House and Senate, to enforce and make America for American citizens secure, safe, prosperous and great again. Our President’s first order of business can and will be to expeditiously build that wall on the US and Mexican border. Because unlike a majority of voters who have tried to get the message across to congress in 2006, 2010, 2012, 2014 and 2016, a huge caravan of cowards, criminals and drug dealers are marching from the southern Mexican Border headed toward the United States for jobs and crime rather than stay and fight the despotic politicians who steal their money in their own country of birth. America’s forefathers fought for America in the Revolution with very little support and won freedom, safety, security. Those in Central America can do the very same. The marching illegal alien invasion caravan that can finally destroy America and its culture for future generations, if not stopped at the 2018 ballot box by American voters (who must get to know the facts), spells doom plus the evil political demise of the greatest country on planet earth.
It is now the urgent responsibility of every American citizen voter to help save this nation’s future and no one else but the American citizen voter can be held responsible for the outcome. Voters must move correctly with no room for error at the 2018 ballot box, while the Nation has a President who will preserve this great Republic. Ignore the falsehoods that the failed elite’s have spewed into formative childlike minds causing unfounded evil about the President. Get to know the FACT’S. These opposition elites do not want any President tipping over their tax payer funded piggy bank so as to spend those hard labor earned tax dollars as they so choose. This President gets things done for the well being of Americans in spite of the endless evil back stabbing. But he can’t continue on the same productive path without a cooperative and larger number of representatives of the sovreigns in Congress to help him after the midterm 2018 elections.
By MG Paul Vallely, US Army (Ret) and BG Charles Jones, USAF (Ret)
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