You always know the mark of a coward. A coward hides behind freedom;
a brave person stands in front of freedom and defends it for others.
We have been given a clear look at some of those who took an oath to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States and yet, when called upon, took a path to hide beneath their desks.
The Supreme Court of the United States is supposed to be above politics. They are commissioned to be the caretaker, the preserver and protector of the Constitution, everything we stand for, the last resort of those looking for justice. They are the final arbiter when deciding the limits of government power and fair treatment. And yet, what happens when Chief Justice John Roberts continually punts rather than makes the play? When he does play, he apparently, more times than not, works for the deep state political machine rather than the people. Even George Soros, in Davos, recently commented that he can count on the chief justice. Why is that?
It was John Roberts that recently sided with Pennsylvania Democrats on important election questions. He refused to hear an appeal by Republican officials, leaving in place an extension allowing partisan civil servants to count ballots that had no postmark three days after the election. At the same time, they bypassed an entire set of election challenges.
Back in December, it has gone viral that Justice Roberts was heard screaming behind closed doors at his associates that he and the other liberal justices did not want to take the Texas election-fraud case, a case supported by more than 20 states. When Justices Thomas and Alito brought up the Gore 2000 election case, Roberts was heard saying, “I don’t give a *** about that case,” quarreling that “we didn’t have riots.”
That alone should tell you all you need to know. Our chief justice apparently has been compromised. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court decided to not get involved in the most far-reaching set of cases of his career. He retreated from a sacred duty that will literally decide the future of America. Not only that, Justice Roberts confirmed to the country that riotous mobs do indeed rule.
Who is John Roberts? Is he the John Roberts that rewrote the Obamacare legislation so that it would pass court muster? Is he the John Roberts on the Epstein flight logs? Is he the John Roberts that jumped into the political fray like a presidential candidate disputing President Trump’s justifiable criticism of the rogue 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals?
Does anyone remember Justice Brett Kavanaugh or Justice Amy Coney Barrett? They were confirmed and no one has heard from them since. Where have they been? They ducked out of the Pennsylvania case, a case where the state legislature was illegally bypassed in favor of political partisans making decisions concerning the counting of mail-in ballots, nullifying the wishes of the state legislature, the only state authority on such issues. Kavanaugh was silent while Barrett said she didn’t have time to review the case…a dog-ate-my-homework excuse if I ever heard one.
It turns out to many observers that Kavanaugh and Barrett are mere theoretical thinkers rather than legal doers. Perhaps they dislike criticism. Maybe they want Roberts to like them, a left over aspiration from high school. Perhaps they don’t want to mix with the common folk or get their robes dirty. Bad timing to be concerned with that. Maybe they are just cowards that would much rather enjoy the pomp than live the circumstance.
The Supreme Court decided to not get involved in the most contentious election in our nation’s history. An election that, for many Americans, and even the casual observer, was rife with fraud, cementing our country into third-world status. Whatever the justices were thinking, they have abandoned tens of millions of Americans to think they have to now fend for themselves, to take it upon their own devices to preserve and protect the Constitution of the United States. We should ask for our money back.