Posted on March 17, 2020 by mariomurilloministries
Today, as I prayed, a strange and unexpected phrase leaped into my spirit, “Trump is about to have his Winston Churchill moment.” It stunned me because it seemed so inappropriate in the light of current events. This is no time for cheerleading or political grandstanding. We are in lockdown!
Yes, we are in lockdown. Across America, store shelves are as empty as if we were a socialist nation. The empty streets are even eerier than empty shelves. My hometown of San Francisco will close at midnight tonight and will not open again until April 7th. Citizens are ordered to shelter in place—which is just a frightening euphemism for martial law.
Why should you thank God that Trump is President? How can I go so totally against the grain of political correctness in the face of a viral pandemic? When everyone is clamoring to say we need to stop fighting each other and come together against a common enemy, why would I write something as incendiary as being positive about Trump?
Why? Because I believe something is about to come out of Trump that even his closest friends will find stunning. And, what is that? Let’s start with the ingredients that will build toward the coming Churchill moment.
He is a New Yorker. I have always loved New Yorkers. My favorite area to preach has always been New York. My preaching doesn’t scare them there. The New York side of Trump is about to make an appearance. That thing that’s in the water that makes the pizza so great, is also in Donald Trump. Do you want to get something done? Tell a New Yorker it’s impossible.
I am not talking about the reptilian Mayor De Blasio or the demonic Governor Cuomo. I am talking about New Yorkers from the former glory days.
Trump is about to go ‘New York’ in a good way—the old way! He is going to suggest (read: demand) some radical action to get America back on its feet in the shortest amount of time.
During WWII, Winston Churchill was hated by Parliament because he actually taunted them. Heck, he ridiculed them. London was bombed every night and Churchill went around behind the back of Parliament to get the things done that were necessary to stop Hitler and comfort the people of Great Britain. He relied on nothing but his own convictions to rally the nation to have the courage and to exhibit resolve. Do you hear me, Mr. President? The moxie you had in Manhattan, you need right now!
I believe you will see Donald Trump act in many ways that the Left will squeal are ‘reckless.’ Because he loves America and Americans, he will ignore the critics who don’t count, and do what needs to be done.
Teddy Roosevelt described the Trump we are about to see:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
I am waiting for the words, “SO WHAT?” to come barreling up out of Trump. That whatever-it-is that says, “I don’t even care if I’m re-elected anymore! I am going to do whatever it takes and I don’t care who doesn’t like it.”
Mr. President, they will call you a despot—but you must ignore the soy milk-induced wrangling of the spineless politicians on the Hill.
Trump loves America and Americans even more than he loves being President. Because of that, I know he is about to rise to a previously unseen level of courage. Washington D.C. is a corrupt city full of rodents in suits who really don’t care how many of its citizens this virus kills or how long it takes to do it. These sniveling rats only care about staying in power. They will continue their usual compliant and cowardly approach to leadership. They will say and do whatever it takes to create fear and weakness.
I think of Peter Strozk the weasel from the FBI. Remember the nuclear smugness and robotic aloofness of his appearance before Congress? That’s what I think of when I think of D.C.
Last of all, I believe that right now, as he is alone with his private thoughts, a fire is building up in our President. And that fire is from God. He was chosen for this crisis. He is right where he needs to be, right when we need him most to be there. Can you imagine how badly Hillary would have handled this mess?
The fire in President Trump is going to find the words to rally the American Spirit. Our Commander in Chief is going to stir up the American Eagle and it is going to soar. He will remind us that we never used to scare this easily. He will speak to the noblest part of our national character and he will convince us that, together, we can do this! We can and we will lick this virus.
He will inspire us to pay the price. So what if we have to sit at home and wait it out? So what if we have to risk our economy in order to defeat this menace? The fear is unwarranted. But the sacrifice is doable.
The airlines—the economy—our healthcare system—our churches, are all going to come roaring back and we will chase this Coronavirus back to the Petri dish where it belongs.
From the Spirit of 1776 in Philadelphia to the generation that knocked out the Third Reich, to the voice on the moon that gave a giant leap to mankind—Americans have always conquered their fears, and then they have conquered their enemies.
Yeah, look out for Trump to go into Presidential beast mode. Millions will hate him for the bold decisiveness and the clarity he is about to show. But you and I and millions more, are going to love him for it.
I would like to think that great heroes like Winston Churchill are looking down from above, and seeing a familiar metamorphosis taking place in Donald Trump, Winston is smiling.