By Col. Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr., U.S. Army (Ret.)

We live in a complex world, and understanding it is challenging. Modernization depends upon transforming scientific knowledge to achieve progress. To promote progress, scientists use models or algebraic formulae to facilitate understanding natural phenomena. Sir Isaac Newton developed a model that explains the nature of force. Newton’s discovery is expressed as force (F) equals mass (M) multiplied by acceleration (A), or F=MA. Sir Isaac Newton’s formula enables us to understand force as a function of mass and motion.

Albert Einstein’s famous thermonuclear equation explains what happens when we split the atom. It is expressed as energy (E) equals mass (M) times the speed of light (C) squared. It captures fundamentals of nature that were never conceived of before Einstein’s day. Einstein’s discovery revealed the complexity of quantum physics, displaying the genius of a brilliant scientist and philosopher.

Understanding social change is a task as complex as understanding physical science, if not more so. The intricate nature of radical political change, with its myriad factors and influences, presents an intellectual challenge that cannot be expressed in algebraic formulae. Consequently, political philosophers use abstract models we call conceptual frameworks to represent the social upheaval, civil wars, and militant groups associated with political change.

We aim to construct a model of the enduring Marxist revolution in America, a revolution of profound significance that has unfolded for over a century, shaping the nation’s socio-political landscape. This enduring revolution, deeply rooted in American history, continues to influence our society today, demonstrating its ongoing relevance.  The US Communist Party (CPUSA) seeks to fundamentally transform a federal government that administers a constitutional republic, advocating socialism and the abolition of the free enterprise system.

Let’s delve into model One: the Leninist Model of Revolution

Workers revolt to destroy the factory owners of industrialized societies and establish a workers’ dictatorship. Class warfare destroys the middle class, the nobility, and the clergy.

1. Communist Putsch captures national government.

2. The formation of the Red Army follows it.

3. Civil war destroys counter-revolutionary armed forces.

4. The nobility, clergy, and middle class are purged.

5. The Revolutionary Red Army captured the land and resources of the State.

6. Communist Dictatorship takes possession of all private property.

7. Land reform eliminates all private land holdings, starving class enemies to death.

8. The Party cadre and commissars manage all resources, production, distribution, information, education, and medical care within the Soviet Union.

The Communist Revolution in America is based on experience, political theory, and trial and error. It has been the work of political philosophers, socialists, and communists for over two centuries. The American Marxist Revolution is based upon the French Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the philosophy of Karl Marx, the Bolshevik Revolution, the Chinese Communist Revolution, and years of trial and error. We begin by examining the character of the CPUSA’s antecedents: the French, the Bolshevik, and the Chinese Communist Revolutions.

The French Revolution overthrew the monarchy, abolished the Catholic Church, banned Western Civilization, and redistributed society’s wealth. It became the model for revolutionary change to abolish monarchy, establish an authoritarian dictatorship, and redistribute wealth.

Karl Marx and Frederick Engles introduced Marxism in their famous treatise, The Communist Manifesto. They explained the history of class conflict and called for a workers’ revolution to eliminate factory owners and create a dictatorship governed by the working class. Their script called for a workers’ revolution to complete the work begun in the French Revolution, producing a dictatorship in which the workers owned the means of production, and all property was owned by the State.

The Marxist Bolsheviks captured the Russian government in a coup, followed by a long civil war to capture the state. We call their experience the Leninist Model of Revolution. See Model One. It was the first Marxist revolution and was considered an example of future workers’ revolutions. Subsequent worker’s revolutions were expected to begin in industrialized societies like Germany, the UK, and the USA.[1]

The Maoist Model of Revolution

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) waged four wars from 1924 to 1949 to defeat the War Lords, the Chinese Nationalists (KMT), and Japanese Imperialism and capture the Chinese capital of Peking. Unlike the Bolsheviks, who began by capturing the Russian government, the CCP started to by waging a lengthy civil war to control the Chinese state, then captured the national capital twenty-five years later. Theirs was a peasants’ revolt that broke Marxist doctrine, calling for a workers’ revolution.[2]

The CCP waged a three-phase revolution. In Phase One (1924-1927), the CCP united with the KMT to defeat the War Lords. In Phase Two (1927-1949), the CCP fought the KMT and the Japanese to capture the Chinese Mainland. In Phase Three (1966-1976), the Cultural Revolution, Mao eliminated Party rivals and purged educators resisting Marxism.

The CCP waged a decentralized power struggle to capture the rural population. They fought the battle one village at a time, gradually taking possession of the Chinese Mainland. Once the CCP had captured the rural population, the capture of the State was complete.

Since the CCP had established an independent, underground government that directed the revolution, the capture of Peking, while politically important as a show of national sovereignty, was merely symbolic from a governance perspective. With the capture of Peking, the revolution was complete.

Model Two: The Maoist Model of Revolution

Peasants revolt to destroy landowners and War Lords of agrarian societies, forming a communist People’s Republic. Class warfare destroys the middle class, ruling class (KMT), and educators.

1.                        Formation of the Peoples’ Liberation Army in 1927.

2.                        The Civil War destroys warlords, property owners, and the ruling class.

3.                        The population is captured one village at a time.

4.                        An Underground Communist government was formed to direct the revolution.

5.                        Capture of the state (mainland China).

6.                        Capture and elimination of the central government of the former ruling class.

7.                        Counterrevolutionaries (KMT) surrendered or fled the mainland.

The Stifled Marxist Revolution in America

The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) has been working for the last century to emulate the Leninist Model of Revolution. Their efforts have not met with success. Whereas other socialist parties in the Western Hemisphere have succeeded, the CPUSA has been left behind. The combination of a thriving post-WW II economy and military demands generated by the Cold War spiked production and wages, making for prosperity with dismal prospects recruiting workers for the class struggle. American workers were too well-off and weren’t interested in revolution. Repeated setbacks in recruiting workers encouraged the CPUSA to search for new directions and alternatives.

While the CPUSA was waging a losing class struggle in America, an Italian philosopher named Antonio Gramsci recognized the need for new strategies to win the support of workers. Writing from a prison cell in Italy, Gramsci called for a change in Communist Party strategy. He wrote that the Party had to bring down capitalist society to create a favorable recruiting climate to support the class struggle. He called the new strategy Critical Theory.

Antonio Gramsci’s Critical Theory was popularized in the USA by Herbert Marcuse, a German philosopher who had fled Nazi Germany. He taught at the University of California, Berkley. Marcuse coined the phrase Make love, not war. He called for the entitlement of marginalized groups at the expense of privileged white students. He called his theory tolerance of intolerance. He advocated entitlement of the sexually repressed, isolated bohemian nonconformists and racial minorities at the expense of the most favored group in society.

Complimenting Gramsci’s Critical Theory was the work of an American Marxist philosopher by the name of Saul Alinsky, who wrote that instead of wasting time trying to organize well-off workers, the focus of the class struggle should be recruiting students. Alinsky’s work recognized the importance of placing Marxist scholars on college campuses to further socialist indoctrination, as well as inserting Marxist teachings in the K-12 educational system.

Alinsky called for Marxist infiltration of administrative agencies of the state and national governments. Alinsky called upon his disciples to take administrative positions from which to attack capitalism, i.e., businesses, schools, churches, and unions. He called his tactics boring from within. Saul Alinsky’s radical disciples have become known as the Deep State, who act as militant cadres in the class struggle. Long after his demise, Alinsky’s disciples resisted President Donald Trump’s domestic policy, which caused administrative gridlock.

The Hand of Fate in the Class Struggle

Not all revolutions are equal. Some revolutions receive foreign assistance to galvanize the civil war, whereas others languish without assistance. Foreign interventions played a major role in deciding the outcome of the American, Russian, and Chinese Communist Revolutions.

During the American Revolution, the British were stalemated by George Washington and the Continental Army. That changed when France entered the war on the American side. The French dispatched a fleet transporting a French army to support the Colonials, which changed the balance of power in favor of the Americans. The French intervention allowed George Washington to inflict a decisive defeat on the British at Yorktown in 1781. General Cornwallis surrendered his British Army, bringing the American Revolutionary War to a humiliating end for Great Britain.

The German General Staff aided the Bolsheviks in advancing a daring plan to destabilize Russia and eliminate Russian participation in the First World War. They secretly provided transportation and financial assistance to Lenin and the Bolshevik Party, which allowed the Bolsheviks to return to Russia from exile in Switzerland. Lenin launched the October Revolution of 1917, which resulted in the overthrow of the Kerensky Government. The Bolsheviks gained control of the Russian government and ended Russian participation in World War I.

In the case of the CCP, the invasion of the Imperial Japanese Army saved the PLA from a humiliating defeat at the hands of the KMT. The Japanese defeated the Chinese Nationalists, pushing the Nationalists (KMT) into southern China. The KMT withdrawal left the countryside open to uncontested occupation by the Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA).

The Japanese Army was too small to occupy all its liberated territory. It occupied the coastal cities, bypassing the interior of the country. The Japanese defeat of the Chinese Nationalist Army, driving them into southern China, permitted a significant expansion of the population open to recruiting and mobilization by the CCP.

At the end of the Long March, the PLA numbered 20,000 men. The Japanese invasion of China followed it. A decade later, when the Japanese surrendered in 1945, the PLA numbered over 4,000,000 men. During that period, the CCP took possession of the rural population of central and northern China. The intervention of the Japanese Army dramatically expanded the population accessible to the PLA. The resulting shift in the relative strength of the CCP versus the KMT decided the outcome of the Chinese Communist Revolution.[3]

The Communist Encounter with Federalism

Contrasting the successes enjoyed by Lenin and Mao with the support of foreign interventions, the CPUSA encountered significant difficulties that derailed the communist cadre, eliminating any chance of waging a successful class struggle in the USA. American Federalism provided comprehensive resistance to the communist community organizers. It was a disadvantage that Lenin didn’t face during the Russian Revolution.

Federalism provided marked advantages for the American counterrevolutionaries. The Federal structure of American society allied the national government with the fifty state governments confronting the CPUSA with solid resistance. When the Left launched their attacks to overthrow the federal government in the 1960’s, they were overwhelmed by tough resistance at every level. The CPUSA was met by the full force of national authority and fifty state governments, complete with state police, national guard, and governing bodies of executive, judicial, and legislative branches.

The state responses were augmented by local sheriffs, providing decisive advantages to the American opposition to the revolution. The lesson learned by the CPUSA was that the Party must neutralize local authorities to win the class struggle. Thus, we see the defunding of the police and the refusal of rogue AGs to enforce the law during the Biden Administration, creating chaotic conditions at the local level.

Unseen in the 1960s, recent CPUSA attacks at the local level have resulted in crisis after crisis confronting local authorities due to reduced funding, crime waves, urban unrest, and economic decline. In some localities, the crisis has immobilized law enforcement.  As a result, many beleaguered local authorities have been unable to contain Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and radical student factions waging the class struggle.

If that were not bad enough, problems facing local authorities have escalated by the refusal of the Biden Administration to enforce the southern border permitting an invasion of illegal aliens to enter the country. The influx of millions of illegal aliens has significantly increased the burdens on law enforcement and social services in local communities; the combined impact of illegal aliens and CPUSA attacks on local municipalities have dramatically reduced the effectiveness of the Federal response to the class struggle.

The Marxist Revolution in America

The Marxist revolution in America draws on the lessons of the French Revolution and the subsequent communist revolutions. We observe both the Leninist and the Maoist Models of Revolution at work. We see the Leninist Model at work in the putsch that overturned the 2020 national elections, which allowed CPUSA members to capture control of the government. We see the Maoist Model of revolution in the decentralized civil war waged to capture one community at a time, employing “mostly peaceful” riots and insurrections to advance the class struggle.

Critical Race Theory has played a prominent role in the ideological struggle and in eliminating political opposition. Deep State factions employ law enforcement agencies (IRS, DOJ, FBI, USSS) that intimidate and prosecute political opponents using false charges.

Model Three: The American Marxist Model of Revolution

Minorities, sexually repressed groups, and Bohemian nonconformists revolt to eliminate the privileged ruling class and establish a communist peoples’ republic. The class struggle destroys the middle class, the clergy, and the white ruling class.

1. The Communist cadre captured control of the administrative state.

2. The Communist Party captured the national government in a coup.

3. The existing military is purged, reeducated, and indoctrinated as communist revolutionaries.

4. The Civil War destroys the middle class, the ruling opposition party, and middle-class monuments, traditions, and history.

5. Civil war destroys state structures through insurrection, defunding police, release of incarcerated criminals, and massive invasion of illegal aliens.

6. Revolutionaries take total control of private property and the state.

We conclude the ongoing Marxist Revolution in America combines all revolutionary tactics based on the lessons and experiences from the French Revolution to modern times that are being employed all together to further the revolution.

Model Three is the model of the American Marxist Revolution. It commenced with the coup that overturned the 2020 national elections, allowing Marxist revolutionaries to take control of the national government. Criminal attacks against local authorities, riots, and insurrections wage civil war to carry out the class struggle, purge opposition, and capture the states in the Union.


The Marxist transformation of America was a massive insurrection to carry out the class struggle. The Marxist Revolution in America is a secular humanist crusade of revolutionaries to fashion the World in their own doctrinal image. In their hubris, the Marxists have canceled the Creator of the Universe, who, by the United States Declaration of Independence, created all men equal.

Faith remains a basic ideological contradiction confronting American Marxists since Christians and Jews oppose the heathen, anti-clerical character of the Marxists’ revolution. The religious faithful hold that almighty God remains supreme, thereby creating substantial resistance. The deeply rooted religious traditions of the American middle class set them apart from their progressive European allies, who have generally abandoned religious worship.

Should the Marxists have erred in judgment, the consequences would be Biblical, for the fate of Judeo-Christian Culture and Western Civilization hang in the balance. The verdict will usher in a decisive moment in the revolutionary struggle. Followers of the living God of Israel faithfully await the parting of the metaphorical Red Sea and the deliverance of God’s people from Communism.

[1] Andrew P. O’Meara, Jr., Liberty vs. Tyranny (Batavia, Ohio, 2021), pg. 78.

[2] Ibid. pg. 72-77.

[3] War Department, Department of the Army, Report of the Intelligence Division, 1945.