Legacy Group
Legacy National Security Advisory Group
The Difference America Needs (LNSAG)
At no other time in American history has the nation been more in need of an assertive leader, a person who thinks as an American first – loyal and selfless – a person who understands at their core, that national security is foremost in importance.
Without a stable and secure America, a vacuum of power has grown and has been quickly filled by those with nefarious motives antithetical to those that must undergird U.S. national security, thereby creating global instability.
With Iranian hegemonic and nuclear ambitions, a return to Russian expansionism, a multi-layered civil war in Syria, the collapse of a key ally in Yemen, strife across the African continent, rampant cyber-terrorism/warfare, a Chinese military buildup with island disputes, and the rise of the forces of Islamic Jihad and Shariah, to name but a few, we slide deeper into an insecure state for both America and our allies.
Any semblance of global equilibrium has disappeared and with a recent spate of global diplomatic failures, the picture darkens daily.
The primary focus of many candidates for political office or in the political landscape often turns to other topics and hot button issues, and national security therefore suffers. There are several contributing factors at play – over-attention to demographics, international naiveté with regard to global issues, ideological bents, cultural ignorance, historical indifference, self-promotion, ulterior motives, and inferior advice to national candidates for office.
Each of these components also led to the defeat of some excellent individuals (Romney, for example) seeking national office to replace the current administration, marked by the hiring of establishment advisors, too often wedded to a playbook that reflects merely moderation and a “business as usual” attitude. The dominant nerve center of the globe, America, has therefore been neutralized, in ways deeply troubling to our friends and allies, but satisfying our enemies.
Throughout the intelligence community, there are thousands who are employed as national security advisors and our television screens are laden with even more. Often, the results are “group-think,” stale analysis, recycled “guest-imates,” revisionism, and broad-brush platitudes. At LNSAG, we are unconcerned with selling air time, or the story “du jour,” rather; we focus on the organic nature of threats, maintain a real time situational awareness, and chronicle evolving security conditions.
We can therefore provide our clients what they need to understand the key issues more deeply and with more confidence. Our ability to uncover what the others do not, or cannot know, demonstrably displays our network’s stark, and vivid distinction. Therefore we ask you; How does a candidate or office holder choose among a sea of available counsel? We are here to help answer that question and deliver the difference.
The Answer
The ‘beltway’ dinner and cocktail party circuit is the place to find the recognized names, the same people hired over and over, who each time fall short of expectations. What are needed are the real experts, people who are below the radar, the ones behind the scenes working with those in the field.
These are the people who have been in Syria, Cairo, Mexico, Beirut, and beyond. They remain connected to their networks and enjoy a level of trust and loyalty forged in the ovens of myriad conflicts over many generations.
These experienced, seasoned, operational individuals exist. They are a virtual one-time gem polished and honed by those who comprised our “greatest generation” through real world mentoring, leadership, and experience side-by-side in event after event at the critical time. This gem is the number one team of national security advisors, a group of strategic and tactical practitioners called The Legacy National Security Advisory Group. (LNSAG)
LNSAG was created by MG Paul E. Vallely, (US Army, retired) and is populated by former military command and flag staff, special operations leadership, seasoned intelligence community members, former law enforcement, cultural and diplomatic experts, and a network of HUMINT that spans the globe. As a well-recognized leader with impeccable characteristics and talents, the best and the brightest have gravitated to his side and are unparalleled in their fields and endeavors:
- MG Vallely is the highest ranking American to set foot inside war-torn Syria in the past two years and has had meetings with General El-Sisi of Egypt (leading two delegations to Cairo, a third is planned soon);
- He has gained the trust and confidence of many world leaders where our State Department and intelligence services have failed in these and many other foreign lands;
- He was the senior, on-air military strategist for Fox News for seven years.
- MG Vallely has cemented many ties in Israel and enjoys the advice and counsel of the Lebanese Christian community in many high ranking positions in Beirut and across the globe;
- The LNSAG team maintains and nurtures a superb network of contacts and sources demonstrably beyond the quality and scope of most intelligence services, including the CIA;
- The team is well represented and maintains close, lifelong ties in the DoD, CIA, NSA, FBI, et al, as well as foreign intelligences agencies and law enforcement;
- The LNSAG team are experts (SMEs) in intelligence, counter-terrorism, cyber-terrorism/warfare, WMD, military tactics and strategies, as well as in diplomatic trade craft.
- Staff include former and active members of the DS Services, Ambassadors, CIA, FBI, Marshals’ Service, NSA, DHS, etc.
Vision and Mission
Our vision is a safer and more secure America where we will once again lead the world based upon our strength and core values. By minimizing risk and enhancing confidence of each candidate through the production of sound and state of the art analyses and strategies, LNSAG must provide the road to success for those seeking higher office.
To achieve this vision, our mission is to provide political candidates, office holders, and policy makers the advice and counsel needed to help any candidate out-perform their adversaries on the political stage and make the correct choices once in office, with confidence. We will provide clear identification and understanding of the evolving problems facing us. We will provide solutions that are based upon the needs of the people, we will constantly grow and widen our network, we will expand and hone our skill sets, and we will provide the critical analysis, significantly surpassing all others through a reality prism, not the prism of political expediency or blinding ideology.
We are ready to begin today – our undivided attention and arsenal are at the ready. General Vallely and members of his group will be happy to meet your candidate and team in a discreet manner at a convenient time and place for all.
We look forward to providing you with answers to any questions and the identity of key members of our team and their individual curricula vitae – a team like no other, at a time like no other.
About Major General Paul E. Vallely (US Army – Ret.)
Paul E. Vallely, Major General, US Army (ret) was born in DuBois, Pa. He retired in 1991 from the US Army as Deputy Commanding General, US Army, Pacific, in Honolulu, Hawaii.
General Vallely graduated from the US Military Academy at West Point and was commissioned in the Army in 1961 serving a distinguishing career of 32 years in the Army.

Paul E. Vallely, MG US Army Ret.
General Vallely is a graduate of the Infantry School, Ranger and Airborne Schools, Jumpmaster School, the Command and General Staff School, The Industrial College of the Armed Forces and the Army War College.
His combat service in Vietnam included positions as infantry company commander, intelligence officer, operations officer, military advisor and aide-de-camp. He has over fifteen (15) years experience in Special Operations, Psychological and Civil-Military Operations.
He served in many overseas theaters to include Europe and the Pacific Rim Countries as well as two combat tours in Vietnam. He has served on US security assistance missions on civilian-military relations to Europe, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Indonesia and Central America with in-country experience in Indonesia, Columbia, El Salvador, Panama, Honduras and Guatemala.
He has served as a consultant to the Commanding General of the Special Operations Command as well as the DOD Anti-Drug and Counter -Terrorist Task Forces. He also designed and developed the Host-Nation Support Program in the Pacific for DOD and the State Department.
He has in-country security assistance – experience in Israel, Iraq, Kuwait, El Salvador, Columbia and Indonesia in the development of civil-military relations interfacing with senior level military and civilian leadership.
General Vallely has been a military analyst on television and radio for over ten years. He is also a guest lecturer on National Security, international political, economic issues, strategic planning matters and the Global War against Radical Islam and other threats to America.
He and LTG Thomas McInerney co-authored three books, “Endgame” – Blueprint for Victory for Winning the War on Terror,” “Warfooting,” and “Baghdad Ablaze”. He is a member and founder of the Iran Policy Committee. He is the Chairman of the Stand Up America.
He was the senior military analyst for the Fox News Channel from 2000 -2007. General Vallely conducts an average of 4-6 national radio show interviews per week and is well known for his published articles on a multitude of subjects and issues.
He and his wife, Marian, are the co-trustees of the Scott Vallely Soldiers Memorial Fund and reside in Montana. He and Mrs. Vallely are deeply involved in state and local issues as well as supporting a multitude of community events and activities.