Time to reflect on all the actions of the “left” to date and specifically during this election cycle. Where does it lead…
September 24, 2016
There’s Actually a Word For It
Scenes From Charlotte
News You Can Use
In Case You Missed It – Latest Polls
Islamic Terror Update – Chicago Shooting Count
Famous Political Insults in History
What Say You? – Commentary From Our Readers
Timeless Quotes
Stand Up America is a network of patriotic Americans who wish to return America to its Constitutional roots.
General Paul Vallely and the SUA staff are committed to educating their followers and assisting pro-active groups in righting the ship of state. Your donation is important to us and will assist in this historic effort. Please join us today.
Editor: Ray DiLorenzo
Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely served 32 years in the Army, having retired as Deputy Commanding General, US Army, Pacific.
There’s Actually a Word for It
Ray DiLorenzo
Moonbattery (Noun): The behavior or attitudes of moonbats; left-wing lunacy
In 2008, Dr. Lyle Rossiter, a clinical psychiatrist, who treated over 1500 patients and examined over 2,700 civil and criminal cases, the author of The Liberal Mind, diagnosed an alarming percentage of the American population as suffering from a form of mental derangement known as moonbattery.
“Based on strikingly irrational beliefs and emotions, modern liberals relentlessly undermine the most important principles on which our freedoms are founded. Like spoiled, angry children, they rebel against the normal responsibilities of adulthood and demand that a parental government meet their needs from cradle to grave.”
To any acute observer, Dr. Lyle’s conclusion can easily be expanded to include: an anti-God, intellectually dishonest, unprincipled, mentally immature juvenile who is forever in search of a world without moral consequence. They believe no truth is absolute and every issue is subject to debate.
Liberals have been deceived into thinking that a large centralized government is inherently benign and altruistic and can meet all their needs. God has been replaced, with government’s blessing, with more government…a government with irrational promises, amidst diminishing ways of paying for it. In spite of countless failures, the Liberal still maintains the dream of a collectivist utopia.
What should be recognized by now is that several generations of politicians have helped create a monster that they can no longer control. Since before the sixties, both Democrat and Republican lawmakers have made promises that they could never have kept. Whether inadvertently or by design, these same politicians took the road that Marx, Lenin, Zedong and others have taken, carefully creating a dependent class and pledging a world relatively free of want, but this time with a twist…promising a world free from repercussion from almost any bizarre activity.
With catchy phrases such as ‘social justice’, the masses, with their expectation of benefit without personal cost, have sorely missed the agenda. The goal of liberalism is not relative paradise, but the continual accumulation and centralization of power; the creation of an elite with a permanent power base…no different than any Communist country, past or present.
To the committed Liberal, any person who achieves beyond the commonplace and who does not share the same Progressive religion must be destroyed. After all, the achiever will attain what most others do not have and thereby threaten the power the elite strive to keep.
Why are so many people angry?
The everyday citizen and many Liberals are finally beginning to realize that they have been had. The hard working, play-by-the-rules tax-payor is recognizing that they can never give an insatiable government enough of what they earn. The Liberal is realizing their ‘parental government’ is not going to give them a fraction of what they were promised and is coming to the painful conclusion that their god really doesn’t care. For the die-hard, Kool-Aid drinking Progressive, any failure of liberal policies is the fault of conservatives who ‘sabotage every liberal program at every turn.
Ignorant children such as Woody Allen, who promoted the idea that Obama “should be given dictatorial powers for a few years so he could get things done” only show how far down the barrel many of us have descended.
The modern Liberal or Progressive, as they like to be called of late, is nothing less than a Socialist or, dare I say it, Communist…a devoted enemy of the individual as expressed in the Constitution, especially in the Bill of Rights. As declared By Dr. Rossiter, “When the modern liberal whines about imaginary victims, rages against imaginary villains and seeks above all else to run the lives of persons competent to run their own lives, the neurosis of the liberal mind becomes painfully obvious.”
“The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name ‘Liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”
Norman Thomas, (1884-1968), six-time presidential candidate, Socialist Party of America, Communist Party USA
Ed. note: Mr. Thomas eventually quit politics, agreeing that both the Democrat and Republican parties had adopted every plank of the Communist/Socialist platform, thereby giving Thomas no alternate party platform on which to run.
Scenes From Charlotte
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News You Can Use
Clinton Campaign Overcharging Small Donors
Wells Fargo and other banks have been inundated with calls from low-income Clinton supporters reporting repeated unauthorized charges from what was supposed to be a one-time donation. The overcharges are occurring so often that the fraud department at one of the nation’s biggest banks receives up to 100 calls a day demanding refunds. One elderly Clinton supporter has filed a complaint with her state’s attorney general. Her case has been forwarded to the Federal Election Commission. Red State, Observer.com
Editor’s note: What is so interesting is that someone in the Clinton campaign must know that the bank does not investigate for fraud unless the charge is over $100. Every overcharge came just short of the $100 cutoff, normally $20, $40, and $60, but never over $100.
Bush Sr. To Vote Democrat
Former president, H. W. Bush has told Kathleen Kennedy, daughter of Robert Kennedy, that he will vote for Clinton in the upcoming election. A spokesman for the elder Bush did not deny the report. USA Today, Breitbart
Editor’s note: The Bush and Clinton dynasties are passing into the night, but not quietly. Corruption, scandals, and lying obviously mean nothing to the established order. Power and holding on to it is everything…read my lips.
Is the ‘old guard’ passing?
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70% of Charlotte Protesters From Out of Town
Charlotte police reported to CNN’s Erin Burnett that 70% of arrested protesters had out-of-state IDs. Zerohedge
Editor’s note: Many of the protesters are instigators from outside Charlotte, arriving in buses. 18 months ago, as the riots flared in Ferguson, there was one man pulling the strings…George Soros. DCleaks reported leaked documents showing that Soros gave $650,000 directly to Black Lives Matter.
DHS Rushes to Confirm New Citizens Before Election
Department of Homeland Security officials are encouraging employees to work expensive overtime hours to push through as many citizenship applications as possible before the November election. Townhall
Editor’s note: This has happened before. In the year prior to the 1996 presidential election the Immigration and Naturalization Service established the Citizenship USA (CUSA) initiative. Before this initiative, citizenship was granted at the rate of 300,000 – 400,000 per year. But under the CUSA program that number increased to 1.1 million cases per year. The rush to naturalize these aliens resulted in cut corners that culminated in reduced national security and public safety. Politics before national security or anything else, for that matter.
Obama Vetoes 9/11 Victims Bid to Sue Saudis
President Obama vetoed a bill allowing lawsuits against foreign sponsors of terrorism in federal court. The Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) would provide an exception to the doctrine of ‘sovereign immunity’, which holds that one country can’t be sued in another country’s courts. This will undoubtedly set up an override battle. Townhall
Editor’s note: Kind of makes you wonder who’s side he is on.
President Obama bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
In Case You Missed It
The Established Establishment
Where is the Hillary Clinton campaign getting much of their funding?
Getty Images
George Soros, billionaire atheist, globalist, anti-semite, modern robber-baron
$2 million personally, $24 million through super PACS
Securities and Investment (Wall Street)
$48 million
Lawyers (Law Firms)
$25 million
Entertainment (Hollywood)
$18 million
$7 million
Civil Servants/Public Officials
$5 million
Big Donors always expect something in return.
At this point, what difference does it make?
Latest Polls (9/23/16)
Rasmussen – Clinton, 39% Trump, 44%
NBC News – Clinton, 50% Trump, 41%
Fox News – Clinton, 45% Trump, 46%
Reuters – Clinton, 39% Trump, 39%
LA Times – Clinton, 43% Trump, 45%
ABC News – Clinton, 51% Trump, 43%
Editor’s note: I think ABC and NBC polled their lunch rooms.
Islamic Terror Update
There were 1,726 Islamic terrorist attacks so far in 2016 in 55 countries.
14,995 people were killed and 18,078 people were injured
Since last report, 9/17/16, there have been:
45 additional Islamic attacks
306 additional killed
851 additional injured
9/22/16 – Six civilians are burned alive by the Islamic State as their families are forced to watch – Mosul, Iraq – 6 killed.
9/20/16 – Three children are killed by an ISIS IED – Manbij, Syria – 3 killed, 14 injured.
9/19/16 – A female border guard is stabbed in the neck by a Palestinian terrorist – Jerusalem, Israel – 2 injured.
9/18/16 – Eight people standing outside a church are riddled with bullets by Muslim extremists – Kwanjilari, Nigeria – 8 killed.
9/17/16 – Four suicide bombers sneak into an army base and murder eighteen sleeping soldiers – Uri, India – 18 killed.
9/17/16 – Muslim ‘insurgents’ murder a 71 year old Buddhist in front of his home – Songkhla, Thailand – 1 killed.
9/17/16 – A former asylum seeker plants several explosives, one of which injures 29 people – New York City – 29 injured.
9/14/16 – Four children are allegedly poisoned by the Islamic State – Sharqat, Iraq – 4 killed
9/14/16 – A married couple and their two children are exterminated by Mujahideen gunmen – al-Rashad, Iraq – 4 dead.
9/13/16 – Nineteen prisoners are hung upside down from livestock hooks and butchered by caliphate members – Deir Ezzor, Syria – 19 dead.
Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 29,275 deadly attacks since 9/11
Note: There were too many attacks this week to be able to present them all here.
Editor’s note: 13% of Syrian refugees admit that they have a positive view of ISIS. Since radicals recruit members from the mainstream, more refugees means more dead Americans. Which member of your family are you willing to put in harm’s way?
Chicago Shooting Count
The Chicago shooting count since the beginning of the year as of
September 23, 2016, is:
3,161 Shooting Victims ( a shooting every 2:02 hours)
545 Homicides (a murder every 11:45 hours)
No word yet from President Obama, Hillary Clinton or Mayor Emanuel
Editor’s note: Average cost of hospital stay for gunshot victim – $55,000
Cost thus far this year (through 8/31) – $159,941,400
Famous Political Insults
“I noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.”
Ronald Reagan
“Nothing more than a well meaning baboon.”
General George McClellan on Abraham Lincoln
Editor’s note: General McClellan was fired by Lincoln for inaction. The General was good at training his troops but was always reluctant to use them.
President Lincoln finally asked McClellan if he could borrow them. McClellan was nominated by the Democrat Party to run against Lincoln in the 1864 presidential election. The General supported the restoration of the Union, but not the abolition of slavery.
“When I am right I get angry. Churchill gets angry when he is wrong. We are angry at each other much of the time.”
Charles de Gaulle on Winston Churchill
“The right honorable and learned gentleman twice crossed the floor of this House, each time leaving a trail of slime.”
English Prime Minister Lloyd George to Member of Parliament
“If you can’t be a good example, then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning.”
Catherine the Great
Just For Fun
“I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll make an exception.”
“Behind every successful man is a woman, behind her is his wife.”
“Those are my principles, and if you don’t like them…well, I have others.”
Groucho Marx
We just couldn’t leave this out…
What Say You?
Letters From Our Readers
The New Nazis – 9/17/16
“Did the 49ers quarterback answer the call with his protest? I guess the protest was a right of passage into Islam seeing as he recently converted.” NV
“The new Nazis…great read. Hillary and Comey…so cozy. Reagan’s quotes…priceless.” AH
“Not so far off of reality to what is happening in our country and when it’s brought up, it falls on deaf ears.” MS
Editor’s note: Your comments are welcome. We will print them with only your initials. Just reply to this newsletter.
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Timeless Quotes From Dictators
Adolf Hitler
(1889 – 1945)
“Demoralize the enemy from within by surprise, terror, sabotage, assassination. This is the war of the future.”
Mao Zedong
(1893 – 1976)
“War can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun, it is necessary to take up the gun.”
Editor’s note: And when the war is over, who is left with the gun? Mao’s ‘Great Leap Forward’ (1958 – 1962) is responsible for killing 45 million people in just four years.
Joseph Stalin
(1878 – 1953)
“Death is the solution to all problems. No man–no problem.”
Vladimir Lenin
(1870 – 1924)
“A lie told often enough becomes the truth.”