by MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret)
Out of the darkness and into the light is a metaphorical phrase that means moving from despair, sadness, or negativity to a state of happiness and positivity. It often describes a personal journey of overcoming challenges and finding renewal.
Under God’s hand and blessings, we are moving out of the darkness of the far-left ideologues and demigods into the light of a new, restored America with all the opportunities that freedom, honesty, trust, and integrity will provide.
It’s a vision of a “more perfect union” as described in the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution:
We, the people of the United States, to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.1
Restoring the Founders’ vision by recreating that “more perfect union” described in the Preamble to the Constitution is the end game for America in the twenty-first century. Laying out a blueprint for achieving this goal is paramount to our destiny to “Make America Great Again.”. The plan we present herein will allow those of us who still cling to the traditional American values that made America great to save our country. This is a call to action for all Americans who want to turn our country from a decadent path of destruction and immorality that led to the dismantling of our Constitution and the institutions of our country to a trusted, perfect union.
After the Bible, Declaration of Independence, and Constitution, the most critical documents for Americans are the Federalist Papers. In Federalist 39, James Madison explained a republic is a government that derives all its powers directly or indirectly from the people and is administered by people holding their office at the people’s pleasure for a limited period during good behavior.2
What Madison wrote in Federalist 39 still applies today. Our republican form of government still derives its powers from the people, but that will change unless we, the people, stand up, speak out, and fight back against the Leftist ideologues who are trying to destroy our country. Suppose life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness remain defining characteristics of the American way of life. In that case, individuals like you and me must fight for them. What all Americans can do to preserve our liberties and save our country is spelled out in the next section of this chapter. Every patriotic American has a role to play. We must look through a reality prism, not a political prism to save our country.
The United States of America is 246 years old as of this writing. For most of those years, we strived to become the “more perfect union” envisioned by the Founders. Along the way, America fought a great Civil War to end slavery, two world wars to protect freedom-loving nations across the globe from totalitarian tyranny, a Cold War with the Soviet Union, and a war on terrorism that continues to this day.
Along the way, we righted lingering wrongs, such as the disenfranchisement of black Americans and women. As time passed, America moved closer and closer to being that “perfect union” described in the Preamble to the Constitution. America has never been perfect, but it has always strived to be. Our country has made mistakes but has always strived to learn from them and make the necessary corrections. Therefore, the Left’s war on America makes no sense. No nation in the world has worked harder or more consistently to do better and be better.
The Left’s attacks on traditional American values and principles are a new phenomenon in the overall history of our country. Still, in just sixty years, Leftist ideologues have made a disturbing amount of “progress.” In doing so, they have set America on a path leading to destruction. Therefore, it is vital for patriots who still want to see our country be a “more perfect union” envisioned by the Founders to stand up, speak out, and join in the battle for America’s soul. Here is what we must come together and do:
Achieve an American spiritual revival.
Preserve the sovereignty and integrity of the Constitution and Bill of Rights
Preserve America’s true history by rejecting historical revisionism.
Preserve free-market capitalism by rejecting socialism.
Restore patriotism and love of the country.
Overcome domestic threats that undermine our ability to achieve the end game.
Overcome various foreign threats that could undermine achieving the end game.
This is the blueprint we recommend for saving America. This is the blueprint that will allow our country to make continual progress once again toward becoming “a more perfect union.” This is the blueprint for saving not just our country but the rest of the free world from despotism because, as goes, the United States and the rest of the free world.
Electing God-fearing officials who revere the Constitution and uphold traditional American values is a good thing to do and a worthy goal. However, politicians cannot save our country from the criminal machinations of Leftist ideologues bent on destroying the United States. Why? Because the challenges America faces in the twenty-first century are more essential than politics. America’s problems, as summarized in Chapter 1, are not political; they are spiritual.
As a nation, we have strayed from our spiritual roots and forgotten the biblical principles and values upon which our country was founded. We are like a retired athlete trying to make a comeback. Before competing again, he must first get in shape physically. American patriots must get in shape spiritually before we can save our country from the Left. We must stop looking to politicians who still have feet of clay, no matter how right-minded they may be. Instead, we must look to God and his Word again for salvation, personally and as a nation.
God knew his children would need a spiritual revival. Therefore, he told us in 2 Chronicles 7:14:
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and forgive their sin and heal their land.”
We need God to heal our land. Only he can do it. Presidents cannot, senators cannot, congressmen and women cannot, and justices of the Supreme Court cannot. Like you and me, these individuals all have roles to play in saving America from the Left, but only God can restore our nation.