Editor’s Note – It is time to be honest – Barack Obama has confirmed that greenhouse gas emissions are more important to him than creating and sustaining jobs in America. Further, it tells us that Obama is comfortable, that in trade, it will mean the destruction of the entire economic engine of America.
Once again, his stance on the Keystone XL pipeline and coal energy production means he has declared war on the working class because energy prices would soar. This would choke small business and job production while simultaneously increasing costs to all citizens, whether employed or not.
Rick Moran at the American Thinker writes:
Sure. Why not? It’s not his job that’s going to be lost. Not his family that might go hungry. Not his life’s work up in smoke because Obama has an animus toward fossil fiuels.
Daniel Schrag, the Obama climate advisor said yesterday. “Everybody is waiting for action,” he said. “The one thing the president really needs to do now is to begin the process of shutting down the conventional coal plants. Politically, the White House is hesitant to say they’re having a war on coal. On the other hand, a war on coal is exactly what’s needed.”
There is not one sector of the U.S. government that is not in crisis due to fraud, lies, and collusion and there is not a corner of the globe that is not experiencing much the same. It confounds one that Barack Obama would choose such a low level concern of the public, elevating it to his primary concern in his Georgetown speech given just prior to his long vacation once again in Africa.

The Capitol Dome is seen behind the Capitol Power Plant in Washington, Monday, June 24, 2013. The plant provides power to buildings in the Capitol Complex. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
Climate change ranks number 21 on the list of the top 21 concerns of the public according to a Pew Poll at a time when the situation he speaks of is simply not true. This cult posing as science has been to be one of the largest frauds yet perpetuated worldwide. The only truth here is that money is to be made which remains at the core of this debate.
Barack Obama is going to once again sidestep the checks and balances of a government divided for just that reason, bypassing controls on his policies. This is the very Congress that in his first two years was controlled by his own party, but he could not get these policies passed despite his early popularity.
President Obama will announce Tuesday he is planning to sidestep Congress to implement a national plan to combat climate change that will include the first-ever federal regulations on carbon dioxide emitted by existing power plants, despite adamant opposition from Republicans and some energy producers. (Read more here from Fox News.)
Unpopular policies trump the success of America. You are headed for failure as his friends enjoy a new round of crony capitalism through loan guaranties akin to the Solyndra debacle – the definition of insanity – doing the same thing over and over, each time expecting a different outcome. But wait, maybe that is the sole reason – its good to be a friend of this White House after all.
Obama: Keystone XL Should Not Be Approved If It Will Increase Greenhouse Gas Emissions
By Sam Stein – The Huffington Post
President Barack Obama will ask the State Department not to approve the construction of the controversial Keystone XL pipeline unless it can first determine that it will not lead to a net increase in greenhouse gas emissions, a senior administration official told The Huffington Post.
“Allowing the Keystone pipeline to be built requires a finding that doing so would be in our nation’s interest,” the president said in a Tuesday speech on climate change. “And our national interest will be served only if this project does not significantly exacerbate the problem of carbon pollution. The net effects of the pipeline’s impact on our climate will be absolutely critical to determining whether this project is allowed to go forward.”
The president has avoided weighing in on the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline for several years now, citing an executive order asking the State Department to make a determination on the project’s viability first. Environmentalists have called on him to spike the project entirely because of risks that it will contribute irrevocably to global warming and potentially contaminate drinking water if it leaks. Conservatives and even some labor groups have encouraged Obama to approve of the project because of its potential to create jobs.
The new Obama policy somewhat splits the difference — not killing the project outright, but ensuring that it meets a basic environmental standard.
“As the executive order on Keystone contemplates, the environmental impacts will be important criteria used in the determination of whether the Keystone pipeline application will ultimately be approved at the completion of the State Department decision process,” said the senior administration official. “In today’s speech, the president will make clear that the State Department should approve the pipeline only if it will not lead to a net increase in overall greenhouse gas emissions.”
It’s unclear exactly how much in greenhouse gas emissions will have to be offset in order for the project to get the green light. Questions also remain about whether the emissions that would have to be offset include those resulting from economic activity spurred by the pipeline or just those from the construction of the pipeline itself.
Answers to those questions will ultimately determine whether green groups, and even a coalition of concerned former Obama campaign workers, will applaud Tuesday’s pronouncement or scoff at it. Some 40,000 environmental activists descended on the White House in February of this year to protest the pipeline’s construction.
The pipeline, if approved by State, would extend 1,200 miles from Alberta, Canada, to southeastern Nebraska, carrying diluted tar sands bitumen. The southern segment of the pipeline, which is currently under construction, would carry the crude product to refineries on the Gulf Coast.