From a good source!

Many of you have at one point like me, thrown in the towel and accepted that We The People will probably have to do this ourselves if we want to see anyone held accountable. I personally have been back and forth with that several times in the past month. However, I will tell you, if you step back away from the Twitter feed and mainstream media and go look at the things Trump has put into play over the past two years (most of it in the past 3 months), you will see that this is FAR from being over.


First, take a look at the EO Trump put into place in 2018 for a cyber force that was tasked with monitoring election fraud. Yes, you heard me correctly. So in this past election, Trump, along with a dozen other folks sat inside a SCIF at the Cyber Command location and watched this whole thing unfold – all while the “system” captured and recorded it. So why hasn’t that been fully disclosed and used? Because this is the essence of the Sicilian Defense – all part of the plan.


Next, we have the stand-up of the Special Operations Command on November 18, 2020. Just to give you a quick history lesson, JFK is the guy who really got the Army Special Forces the support they needed to get up and running.  President Kennedy believed that the United States needed a strong unconventional-warfare force to battle Communism. It is said he also did it in an effort to thwart the CIA and their shadow government work. If you have read my piece on the Five-Star Trust, you will see how it all fits together.


If you know anything about Chris Miller (Acting Defense Secretary), he was a former Green Beret and all-around bad-ass. Chris, of course in his speech to kick things off brings in the JFK quote – “The global demands for special operations forces, then and now has confirmed President Kennedy’s foresight. And now under the leadership of President Donald J. Trump, we are fully realizing President Kennedy’s prescient view of special operations forces,” he said.


Then, we have the exit of key personnel like Esper, Barr, Haspel, Wrey, to name a few, followed by a December 10, 2020 Executive Order on Succession within the Department of Defense putting Deputy Secretary of Defense David Norquist directly under Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller (so we have a double layer of loyalty). For those not familiar with Mr. Norquist, he was the first guy to ever audit the Defense Departments’ books – appointed by Trump himself.


That brings us to FEMA and the Stafford Act. Now it is a bit of a read, but I will tell you that it puts a level of control within FEMA that many people do not know about. It is also important to understand that Trump signed an EO authorizing the Stafford Act and the declaration of a major disaster in March 2020 (very important). That authorization is still active.


In a nutshell, the Act gives FEMA the responsibility for coordinating government-wide efforts. The Federal Response Plan includes contributions from 28 federal agencies and non-governmental organizations. This also gives latitude to the “unity chain of command” spoken of by Pence in his speech to the troops on Jan 16, 2021.


The word “unity” is not a common term as typically it is just referred to as Chain of Command.  That subtle difference means that in the instance of an unforeseen event, troops should work together with other operators, law enforcement, fire and rescue, security in the immediate AO (area of operation) rather than follow their Chain of Command. Let’s not forget about the recent letter from the Joint Chiefs in which they threaten sedition to the troops if they choose not to follow the Chain of Command. Coincidence?


Lastly, take a look at the amount of military in play in Washington DC for the inauguration.  There are multiple parameters set up, ID’s being checked to enter and exit the city, miles of razor wire and fencing, not to mention some 25,000 troops on the ground – “for an inauguration.”  Doesn’t add up, does it?


Makes sense why Pelosi wants to make the event virtual and why Joe has canceled all of his rehearsals! Clearly, he doesn’t want people getting an advanced look at his security detail and I imagine he isn’t feeling warm and fuzzy about all of this. They certainly seem to be very nervous, but why should they be? They have this whole thing in the bag, right? Not so fast.

Folks, what we are about to witness is the greatest military event since D-Day and Normandy Beach in WW2. NOTHING can stop what is coming. No doubt, blood will be shed. Please pray for our President, our Troops, confusion in the camp of the enemy, and for our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.


What I would expect over the next several days based on the above drop – an EBS from POTUS and then likely an internet and media blackout with a short-term lockdown for our safety.


For God and Country.


One final thing, do not get caught up in the hype of this whole Chinese invasion at our borders. It is disinfo. Trump and our military would be acting completely different if this were taking place and our military air traffic does not support this information.


I will not be posting any overwatch reports until after Jan 20 for OpSec reasons (3 days out) and likely following the blackout.   Have a Plan.