By Scott W. Winchell, SUA Editor
With the revelations of the lost Lois Lerner emails in the growing IRS Scandal, and the obvious political ideology she infused into her work, it is important to reflect on the general make-up of the body that are largely the employees in federal government in ideological terms. It is not just Lois Lerner.
It’s also people like her former agency’s newest boss, John Koskinen; yes he who donated over $85,000 to liberal candidates over many years now, including Obama twice, at least.
You could see it in IRS Commissioner John Koskinen’s arrogance as well as he testified. Allen West summed it up well in his recent article entitled “Koskinen illustrates primary job qualification for Obama administration: arrogance”:
The real issue is not the IRS scandal in and of itself, or actually any isolated scandal – because there are too many to count at this point. The issue is the abject arrogance of officialdom exhibited by the Obama administration as aided by the complicit liberal progressive media — and the über-partisan ignorance of the progressive socialist acolytes.
Computer crashes? Meet the others at the IRS whose computers crashed. Beyond Lois Lerner, and as we reported yesterday, Nikole Flax, there was Michelle Eldridge, IRS national media relations chief, Agent Kimberly Kitchens, Agent Nancy Heagney, Agent Julie Chen, and Supervisory Agent, Tyler Chumny. (Read here from the Daily Caller on these characters.) More supporters of Obama, especially Kitchens as far as we know.
The newest revelation is that the EPA also lost emails; crucial to current litigation.
Why did the EPA release this news now? Because a day earlier, the National Archivist testified that the IRS has broken the law by not reporting lost documents as required. The EPA lost critical emails in a contentious case in Alaska over mining.
“They did not follow the law,” said David Ferriero, the U.S. Archivist who stopped short of saying the tax-collecting agency “broke” the law, saying “I am not a lawyer” in testimony last week. (Read more here at Politico)
Move over, IRS — now the EPA is having its own problems with missing emails. The environmental agency is having trouble locating emails belonging to a former agency employee and pulling information from his crashed hard drive, House members revealed Wednesday while questioning Administrator Gina McCarthy at a hearing on complaints of mismanagement.
“What is it with bureaucrats and public employees … the hard drives crash?” asked Rep. Kerry Bentivolio (R-Mich.). (Read more here.)
Here is an excerpt from The Hill on the EPA revelation:
“We have tried to serve a subpoena on your former employee and we have asked for the failed hard drive from this Alaskan individual who now is in New Zealand, and seems to never be returning,” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.), the committee’s chairman, said Wednesday.
Emails provided by the committee show that EPA told congressional investigators about the hard drive crash months ago. But McCarthy said she only told the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) about the problem Tuesday.
The NARA enforces the Federal Records Act, which governs federal agencies’ responsibilities to maintain records.
Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.) said EPA probably violated the Federal Records Act by not backing up North’s emails.
“It looks like the Federal Records Act has been violated by the EPA,” Meadows said. Did he preserve his emails? That is required by the Federal Records Act.”
“We may have some emails that we cannot produce that we should have kept,” McCarthy admitted.
These are just a few points that demonstrate that the leftists in government are unconcerned with the laws until exposed.
They are hired during Democratically controlled administrations largely, or appointed to head agencies that are growing in liberal dominance in those agencies. Then, if not appointed, once employed, they move up in the system, become decision makers, then determine who gets hired in the future. All to crteate a permanent liberal bias in our federal government.
It has always been the feeling of many that the make-up of federal employees was left-leaning, but in recent years, it is becoming evident that they are now in full control. We reported on a couple of examples in the recent past, especially concerning the hiring of Lawyers. The DHS recently hired a bevy of uber-leftists, and the DoJ is festooned with them.
Let us not forget also, when former EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson created a fake name to use on a personal email account, a practice prohibited by law, to be used for official EPA business.
Richard Windsor never existed at the EPA, but the agency awarded the fictional staffer’s email account certificates proving he had mastered all of the agency’s technology training — including declaring him a “scholar of ethical behavior,” according to documents disclosed late last week. was the controversial email alias used by former Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson, who resigned earlier this year amid questions about whether epa-using-instant-messages-avoid-s/?page=all”>her agency was complying with open-records laws.
SPECIAL COVERAGE: Energy and Environment The new records — the latest in a series that EPA critics have pried loose under open-records requests — suggests Ms. Jackson used the alias even more widely than known, including taking required agency computer training under the fake identity.
Then another revelation emerges. A revelation of epic proportion where Lois Lerner’s ideology is exposed completely.
An email is released, where Lerner, in a knee-jerk reaction, desires to investigate a Senator for the right, Chuck Grassley of Iowa. Why, because an inadvertent, and mistakenly sent email invites Grassley to an event he never even attended because his wife was invited as well and the group offered to offset her expenses if they attended.
Investigators in Congress discovered new emails from Lois Lerner Wednesday revealing the former IRS Exempt Organizations director’s attempt to audit GOP Sen. Chuck Grassley in 2012 over an email mixup.
We hope that Congressmen like SC-R Trey Gowdy prevail for us, here at the IRS, and in the upcoming Benghazi Select Committee Hearings
According to the Associated Press, Lerner mistakenly received an email invitation to an event in December of that year meant for Grassley, who presumably received Lerner’s.
The invitation from the organizer reportedly included an offer to pay for the attendance of Grassley’s wife, should the two be interested in coming. Upon reading Grassley’s invitation mistakenly sent to Lerner, the IRS official accused of unjustifiably targeting conservative tea party organizations’ tax exempt status forwarded the email to another IRS employee, and inquired about a possible audit of the Iowa senator.
Lerner speculated it could be inappropriate for the organizer to pay for Grassley’s wife to attend. The second IRS official dismissed Lerner’s suggestion, and said an audit would be a premature action.
Of all the people at the IRS at the time, why was Lois Lerner chosen to head the Tax Exempt & Government Entities Division of the IRS? Because there was a liberal bias already present. Remember, Lois Lerner worked for the Federal Elections Commission prior and displayed a clear pentient for attacking Republicans and ignoring Democrat Party shenanigans.
Before Lois Lerner was embroiled in the IRS scandal, she was involved in a questionable pattern of law enforcement at the Federal Election Commission that mirrors the discrimination recently exposed at the nation’s tax-collection agency.
One of Lerner’s former colleagues tells National Review Online that her political ideology was evident during her tenure at the FEC, where, he says, she routinely subjected groups seeking to expand the influence of money in politics — including, in her view, conservatives and Republicans — to the sort of heightened scrutiny we now know they came under at the IRS.
General counsel’s reports composed during Lerner’s tenure at the FEC confirm Engle’s recollections of a woman predisposed to back Republicans against the wall while giving Democrats a pass. Though Noble, then the FEC’s general counsel, is listed as the author of the reports, sources familiar with the commission say that given Lerner’s position, she would have played an integral role shaping their conclusions.(Read the rest at National Review)
It is clear to us at SUA that this is what comes from cult-of-personality trumping sane, logical, and sustaining politicians, people that are ‘Americans First’ politicians. The ideological entrenchment is here to stay unless America collectively overcomes this tide. This is what we get when we toss rule-of-law to the curb and elect personalities, those who thrive on the cult-of-personality.
Heck, there is now a $1 Million bounty for her emails. We may never find them, unless more investigation is done. Our bet lies with civil litigation underway now from those aggrieved through the discovery process. People like Catherine Engelbrecht and many others deserve “redress of the grievances.”
The House Ways and Means Committee under Chairman Dave Camp has referred Lois Lerner to the DoJ for criminal investigation, but we see little hope that Eric Holder will do anything there. It is time for a Independent Counsel or Special Prosecutor.