by George Mcclellan
Guest Editorial

The title suggests the black-and-white horror movie of the 1950s, where space invaders came to Earth as pod-looking things that, upon contact with stupid American earthlings, slowly absorbed the bodies of those they made contact with, thus becoming aliens in Americans’ bodies. It was an American movie, after all! Unlike “Jaws,” the real horror movie depicting a genuine danger that lurks beneath the waves ready to eat us, Invasion of the Body Snatchers, while scary, was still a spoof because we knew it couldn’t happen here in America, but, are we now?

The NSDVP (National Socialist Democrat Victims Party), our current Democrat party disguised as real Nazis in the German fashion of the 1930s and ’40s, except lacking any charismatic leaders or cool uniforms, have thrown open our borders to invading body snatchers, earthlings from other countries to exchange their presence with existing Americans in both the workforce and at the ballot box. The base of America’s MAGA conservatism presents a definite threat to the Marxist philosophy Biden and Harris, and the NSDVP is trying to impose on America. Conservatism has been enriched by a growing inclusion of emancipated and educated Africans, as well as Latinos, as they slowly come to realize the NSDVP has kept them enslaved to the Democrat plantation by showering them with all the freebies that Socialism provides to keep their vote. But now, they, too, are in danger of being replaced by cheap illegal Aliens because of the growing costs of their maintenance. The aim is to absolutely eliminate America’s founding Caucasian middle-class race that predominately runs the farms, the industry, and the supply chains that made America great and replace them (us) with this flood of illegals swarming by invitation over our borders to murder our children, rob our stores, eat our pets and turning our inner-cities into crime-ridden centers of violence, the source of the street crime pestilence that inflicts a real fear on all Americans living near these urban cesspools.

The pressure is on! To change America even faster, mid-American states, mainly “Red” and inhabited by unsophisticated middle-class American families, are being flooded with culturally near sub-human creatures secretly flown in to overrun and debase their local economies to the point of near economic collapse. With that collapse will come frustrated pleas to the federal government for relief, and with that relief will come the strings of federal government control firmly attached. Resistance and failure to comply will find various arms of federal law enforcement suddenly on our thresholds to determine why their mandates are not being followed, identify resistant people, and tell us why our local leaders should not be replaced by federal government managers, i.e., “Gauleiters,” to get their socialist scheme going.

Like a science fiction scriptwriter, I have described a chilling future that is coming if the NSDVP wins this 2024 election; we must be aware of the necessity of taking the Senate and keeping the House as well as preventing Willie Brown’s mistress, Kamala Harris, from ever assuming the role of leader of the free world, and placing Donald Trump back into the seat of American leadership where it is genuinely needed. This odious crowd of incompetent Nazi wannabes, in four short years, have managed to drag America’s reputation, its economic success, its mastery of foreign policy, and its military and moral standards into the pit of despair. Like the Nazis, population control is necessary except, unlike the Nazis of National Socialist Germany, they have embraced Liberal American Jewry as coconspirators employing the genocidal machinery of Planned Parenthood to control the growth of the population as opposed to being murdered in death camps as adults. Changing local populations in America’s hinterlands is the National Socialist Democrat Victim’s Party’s municipal policy! That fate awaits those unwilling to subscribe to the Biden-Harris doctrine of creating a socialist utopia.

Remember, freedom is the goal; the Constitution is the way. Now, go get involved.

Help save America

Contact: or MG Vallely for interviews.