Editor’s Note – The once seemingly inevitable Democrat Party nominee now appears more like a meteor burning through the atmosphere on the way to an impact of epic proportions if the shoes keep on dropping over her email lies.
People in New Hampshire are sure seeing it as Bernie Sanders has surpassed in her in the polls for the first in the nation primary state. Additionally, it appears America in general is catching on finally as well as another poll, this one nationally, shows that Trump would now beat Clinton by as much as five percentage points as well.
It is encouraging to see that people are taking notice, we just wondered why it took so long. In our opinion, Hillary Clinton should have been indicted long ago and been declared unfit to even run for any office.
Even her former employees are running for the hills, figuratively, like Bryan Pagliano who set up her now infamous server.
He fears he will be indicted for having access to such secret material and likely fears Clinton’s wrath as much as going to prison so he has declared he will not cooperate with the investigation nor Congress and would plead the fifth – very damning indeed!.
Another week of embarrassing shoes dropping for Hillary
Team Hillary keeps insisting there’s nothing to that whole e-mail embarrassment — even as the shoes keep dropping.
Three in just the past week.
First came news that Hillary Clinton’s private e-mails included highly classified information on North Korea’s nuclear-weapons stockpile.
That comes from multiple intelligence sources speaking on the condition of anonymity to The Washington Times. The nuke info apparently came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, a highly classified satellite and mapping system.

Hillary Clinton and Bryan Pagliano (AP Photo/John Locher)
Such info is automatically classified at the very highest level, even when not so labeled — and knowing that rule is part of the secretary of state’s job.
So much for Clinton’s repeated claims that she didn’t know she was putting secrets at risk via her own personal e-mail server.
Also on the faux-innocence front: Clinton aide Bryan Pagliano, who helped set up and maintain the private server, says he won’t cooperate with the FBI, the State Department inspector general’s office or the congressional Benghazi committee that uncovered the private-e-mail issue in the first place — invoking his Fifth Amendment right not to incriminate himself.
He has every legal right to do so, but it sure . . . looks . . . bad. After all, Team Hillary keeps insisting it’s eager to cooperate with the investigations.
The cherry on this fetid sundae is the Bloomberg News scoop that the FBI is looking for any signs that hackers breached Clinton’s system — and for clues on whether any hackers were foreign-based.
Oh, there “were no security breaches,” Clinton insisted weeks ago. But how would a woman who jokes about wiping a server “with a cloth” know?
“At the end of the day, I am sorry that this has been confusing to people and has raised a lot of questions, but there are answers to all these questions,” Clinton told Andrea Mitchell on Friday.
Problem is, her answers keep turning out to be incomplete or just plain false.
At this point, almost nothing in Hillary Clinton’s original claims about her use of the private server still stands as even possibly true. Perhaps worse than the lying, though, is her cavalier attitude toward national security — namely, that the rules aren’t for her.