Eyes on China – Series 9.0
by MG Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret)
Chairman of Stand Up America US Foundation
CCP’s and The Democratic Party’s
Strategies for Domination
June 2, 2022
Having been a student of warfare from my studies at West Point to the Army War College as well as a practitioner in combat, I challenged my curiosity to draw parallels to modern day global and national occurrences. These parallels align with the global strategies of the Chinese Communist Party and domestically to the Democratic Socialist Party of the United States. If one goes back the writings of Sun Tsu, you will see historically how the CCP and the American Democratic Party laid out strategic and tactical plans to dominate.
Sun Tzu was a Chinese General, military strategist, writer and philosopher who lived in the Eastern Zhou period of ancient China. Sun Tzu is traditionally credited as the author of The Art of War, an influential work of military strategy that has affected both Western and East Asian philosophy and military thinking. His works focus much more on alternatives to battle, such as stratagem, delay, the use of spies and alternatives to war itself, the making and keeping of alliances, the uses of deceit and a willingness to submit, at least temporarily, to more powerful foes. Sun Tzu is revered in Chinese and East Asian culture as a legendary historical and military figure. The name Sun Tzu by which he is best known in the Western World is honorific which means “Master Sun”.
The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise dating from the Late Spring and Autumn Period (roughly 5th century BC). The work, which is attributed to the ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu (“Master Sun”), is composed of 13 chapters. Each one is devoted to an aspect of warfare and how it applies to military strategy and tactics. You will see the parallels of the modern CCP road to global dominance and the strategy of Democratic Party Domination as we are witnessing now in the United States. Global and Domestic politics appear to have adopted the Sun Tsu rules of warfare.
For almost 1,500 years it was the lead text in an anthology that was formalized as the Seven Military Classics by Emperor Shenzong of Song in 1080. The Art of War remains the most influential strategy text in East Asian warfare and has influenced both Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, politics, legal strategy, lifestyles beyond the 13 Chapters.
The Chapters
- Laying out a Plan (The calculations). Explores the five fundamental factors (the Way, seasons, terrain, leadership, and management) and seven elements that determine the outcomes of military engagements. By thinking, assessing, and comparing these points, a commander can calculate his chances of victory. Habitual deviation from these calculations will ensure failure via improper action. The text stresses that war is a very grave matter for the state and must not be commenced without due consideration.
- Waging War (The Challenge). Explains how to understand the economy of warfare and how success requires winning decisive engagements quickly. This section advises that successful military campaigns require limiting the cost of competition and conflict.
- Attack by Strategies (The Plan of Attack). Defines the source of strength as unity, not size, and discusses the five factors that are needed to succeed in any war. In order of importance, these critical factors are: Attack, Strategy, Alliances, Army and Cities.
- Tactical Dispositions (Positioning). Importance of defending existing positions until a commander can advance from those positions in safety. It teaches commanders the importance of recognizing strategic opportunities and teaches not to create opportunities for the enemy.
- Use of Energy (Directing): Use of creativity and timing in building an army’s momentum.
- Weak Points (Illusion and Reality). Explains how an army’s opportunities come from the openings in the environment caused by the relative weakness of the enemy and how to respond to changes in the fluid battlefield over a given area.
- Maneuvering an Army. The dangers of direct conflict and how to win those confrontations when they are forced upon the commander.
- Variations of Tactics. Focuses on the need for flexibility in an army’s responses. It explains how to respond to shifting circumstances successfully.
- Army on the March (Moving the Force). The different situations in which an army finds itself as it moves through new enemy territories, and how to respond to these situations. Much of this section focuses on evaluating the intentions of others.
- The Terrain (Situational Positioning). Looks at the three general areas of resistance (distance, dangers, and barriers) and the six types of ground positions that arise from them. Each of these six field positions offers certain advantages and disadvantages.
11.Nine Situations (Nine Stages). Nine common situations (or stages) in a campaign, from scattering to deadly, and the specific focus that a commander will need to successfully navigate them.
12.Attack by Fire (The Fiery Attack). The general use of weapons and the specific use of the environment as a weapon. This section examines the five targets for attack, the five types of environmental attack and the appropriate responses to such attacks.
- Use of Spies (The use of Intelligence). Focuses on the importance of developing good information sources and specifies the five types of intelligence sources and how to best manage each of them.
(See the addendums for further description of Sun Tsu)
First, let us look the CCP’s initiative to divide and conquer. The CCP has used this strategy throughout the world, particularly in Europe and along the Silk Road and in Africa. The CCP expands its influence by penetrating universities, think tanks, research institutes, cities, global companies, sports, Hollywood, newspapers, Wall Street, and global banking interests.
Second, look at the Democratic Party’s initiatives to divide and conquer. Divide and rule (Latin: divide et impera), or divide and conquer, in politics and sociology is gaining and maintaining power by breaking up larger concentrations of power into pieces that individually have less power than the one implementing the strategy.
The phrase “divide and conquer” is attributed to Julius Caesar and has been used by emperors and would-be tyrants ever since. In the age of empires, divide and conquer was used to keep the empire’s subjects from rebelling against the emperor. The Romans used it to keep their conquered neighbors competing rather than their foreign occupiers. The British used it to keep their colonies squabbling along religious, ethnic, and sectarian grounds so that the Queen and the British East India Company could more effectively exploit them.
The “divide and conquer” scenario is more worrying for national health, because the pro-War Democratic Party does like to conquer human beings. There are incredibly shocking efforts to blacklist, censor and seemingly criminalize Trump supporters. By forcing Trump’s Congressional supporters into the open, Democrats will know exactly where to set their stigmatizing sights. I cannot believe that Democrats are going to lead a multi-month, much less multi-year, “Trumpphobia” campaign, but I, also, could not believe the 2016 Russophobia campaign lasted until even after the 2019 Mueller Report’s exoneration of Russia. Is it possible that Democrats are going to persist in their anti-Trump cultural program for years rather than honestly discussing America’s decline?
The word “woke” has been curiously injected into the vocabulary of the second decade of the 21st century. Its most common use is to decry those who are not “woke” to climate change, diversity, gender identification, American history, etc., etc., etc. But in fairness to all, to be “woke” is to be aware of both sides of an issue, accepting that there is always an alternative view to be considered.
The most recent, effective movement to further divide the country is “Cancel Culture”. Cancel culture has its place – it helps to call out and remove problematic people from mainstream culture. Let us call cancel culture what it really is: it is a way to exert some control over a world that is increasingly becoming more dangerous and less tolerant. It is a way to further divide the masses into distinct groups. The phenomenon of promoting the “canceling” of people, brands and even shows and movies due to what some consider to be offensive or problematic remarks or ideologies.
Dr. Jill McCorkel, a professor of sociology and criminology at Villanova University, told The Washington Post that the roots of cancel culture have been present throughout human history. Societies have punished people for behaving outside of perceived social norms for centuries, she said, and this is just another variation. Though it is easy to single out the “social justice warriors”, do not be mistaken. Anyone can co-opt a cancel culture if they share the same dogmatic and hypersensitive attitudes of the majority. In fact, the victims of cancel culture could be anyone who has disobeyed a rule or a policy of a group/affiliation/institution.
“Cancel culture is an extension of or a contemporary evolution of a much bolder set of social processes that we can see in the form of banishment,” she said. “[They] are designed to reinforce the set of norms.”
Over the last few years, the social-media trend has gained momentum under the trendy new name — placing celebrities, companies, and media alike under a microscope of political correctness
The question is America, when are we going to wake up and stand up to these evil forces dividing America. The time is now!
*Sun Tsu extracts from Wikipedia.
Released and Distributed by the Stand Up America US Foundation
Contact: suaus1961@gmail.com
Website: www. standupamericaus.org