The double standard is also “Swamp Standard”.  Pathetic!!!

By AAN Staff, April 27, 2020

Despite having more evidence than Kavanaugh’s…

The mainstream media continues to give scant coverage to Tara Reade’s allegation that Joe Biden sexually assaulted her while she was a member of his Senate staff in 1993, despite the fact that corroborating evidence trickles in daily.

Reade said she informed three people close to her about the allegations at the time. All three confirmed her recollection of events. She also recalled her feminist mother being so upset that she called in to Larry King’s show to ask for advice.

#BREAKINGHERE is the video from August 11, 1993’s ‘Larry King Live’ described by @TheIntercept (and Tara Reade) as allegedly featuring her mother calling in and alluding to Reade’s sexual assault claims against @JoeBiden (blog here by @ScottJW

— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) April 24, 2020

A former neighbor of Reade’s revealed today that she also remembered Reade opening up about the alleged sexual assault in the mid-90s.

(RELATED: Biden Accuser Gets Corroboration; Something Kavanaugh’s Never Got)

The individual, Lynda LaCasse, remembered Reade mentioned Biden by name.

Besides the exception of some grassroots progressives who’ve always viewed Biden negatively, no one on the left wants to bring up Reade’s story because they know it’ll hurt Biden’s chances against Trump. That includes the mainstream media.

With that in mind, here are all the reporters who covered Biden most extensively since Tara Reade’s allegations broke but minimized or outright ignored the scandal.

Just last night, CBS Weekend News aired a piece on the one year anniversary of Joe Biden’s presidential campaign. Rather than use the segment as an opportunity to ask critical questions about the sexual assault allegation, the program speculated on who was on Biden all-female vice-presidential list.

According to Newsbusters, CBS spent one minute of airtime covering the Biden accusation when “This Morning,” co-host Tony Dokoupil asked Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) about the allegations on April 16.

After a weeks-long delay, CNN aired one story about Tara Reade’s allegation against Joe Biden on Saturday. Despite this glimmer of progress, CNN’s Sunday shows went back to not covering the story at all.

The network’s response stands in stark contrast to the coverage given to the sexual assault allegations against Brett Kavanaugh. Julie Swetnick, who was billed by the mainstream media as Kavanaugh’s third accuser, was quickly revealed to have a lengthy history of controversial legal disputes. Yet despite her highly questionable background and representation by discredited celebrity attorney Michael Avenatti, CNN gave Avenatti 35 minutes of airtime the day after Swetnick went public.

Not only have neither ABC nor NBC News investigated Tara Reade’s claims, but they’ve gone in the opposite direction by pumping up Joe Biden’s latest conspiracy that President Trump is going to call off the 2020 Presidential Election like some tin-pot dictator.

NBC’s Chuck Todd, host of “Meet the Press” went so far as to praise the former vice president’s hardball tactics.

On ABC News, Clinton sycophant George Stephanopoulos interviewed Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) who many see as Biden’s best bet for winning back the Upper Midwest. You may remember Klobuchar being one of the loudest voices in the Senate calling for Kavanaugh to resign his nomination to the Supreme Court after Dr. Christine Blasey Ford stepped forward. This time, Klobuchar has dismissed Reade’s accusations out of hand and we’re sure she was pleased, though not surprised, that Stephanopoulos didn’t ask her about them.

So-called champions of the #MeToo movement have been quick to bury Tara Reade’s allegations. Writing for Salon, commentator Joan Walsh went so far as to impinge Reade’s character, reminiscent of how Hillary Clinton treated Bill’s accusers throughout his political career. Such responses have gravely injured the reputation of the #MeToo movement, which took down once-untouchable sexual predators like Harvey Weinstein and Congressman John Conyers. If Walsh and others continue their attacks, the damage to the movement may be irreparable. But for ideologues like Walsh that may be a small price to pay to increase the likelihood that Trump is a one-term president.

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Preview YouTube video BOMBSHELL Development in Biden Accusation Story

BOMBSHELL Development in Biden Accusation Story