Guest Editorial by Don Surber

Chief Justice John Roberts has his panties in a wad because the president complained about a deep-state judge ignoring the Constitution to the point where the judge demanded that the military turn a couple of planes around in midflight like he was the air traffic controller-in-chief.

While he was at it, why didn’t Judge Doom Boasberg not command the oceans to not rise? Look at all the money we would save on fighting global warming.

Trump said, “I’m just doing what the VOTERS wanted me to do. This judge, like many of the Crooked Judges’ I am forced to appear before, should be IMPEACHED!!!”

Roberts said, “For more than two centuries, it has been established that impeachment is not an appropriate response to disagreement concerning a judicial decision. The normal appellate review process exists for that purpose.”

Trump replied, “If a President doesn’t have the right to throw murderers, and other criminals, out of our Country because a Radical Left Lunatic Judge wants to assume the role of President, then our Country is in very big trouble, and destined to fail!”

Roberts had no problem with Congress impeaching Trump for making a phone call or impeaching him for holding a rally, but Roberts sees as another matter trying to rein in a judge who is clearly off his meds. Well, certain judges—the ones who are darlings of the left.

Sherman, set the Wayback Machine for July 10, 2024. Place, Washington where AOC issued a press release, “Ocasio-Cortez Introduces Articles of Impeachment Against Justice Thomas and Justice Alito.” Roberts didn’t say a word. But, to his credit, the chief justice denounced Up Chuck Schumer for threatening Gorsuch and Kavanaugh in front the Supreme Court over the overturning of the constitutionally ignorant Roe v. Wade decision.

Schumer said, “I want to tell you Gorsuch. I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” His words were like handing the Molotov cocktail to an Antifa outside a Tesla dealership. People who support killing babies in the womb are unlikely to hesitate assassinate a grown man.

It is true. The man who assassinated a health company CEO is more popular than free booze among young lefties.

We have a judicial coup with Boasberg and other judges making wild rulings without benefit of precedent, law or the Constitution to overturn the 2024 presidential election. I would call it an insurrection except Nancy Pelosi and Liz the Lizard Cheney rendered that word meaningless. Voters made Cheney just as meaningless.

New York Magazine was open about the judicial coup, declaring, “Trump’s Biggest Court Losses: How Judges Are Blocking His Agenda.”

The article skipped over the judge-shopping to get Trump’s executive orders halted. The deep state went to San Francisco and Maryland to stop the layoffs of probationary employees—200,000 last-minute hirelings by FJB.

The deep state has lined up judges in Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Washington state to halt Trump’s upcoming ban on birth tourism. And a judge is in Manhattan trying to stop the deportation of a Palestinian in Louisiana. Well, when you get away with defying the Constitution, you feel entitled to ignore geography as well. The left’s embrace of allowing the courts to rule the country is a 180 degree flip from two years ago when the New Yorker declared the Supreme Court illegitimate, in a story subtitled, “Recent rulings on gun and abortion rights have revealed a conservative majority executing a long-standing agenda of radical right-wing ideas.”

At the time, Forbes reported, “Joe Scarborough: ‘An Illegitimate Ruling By An Illegitimate Court.’ ” And of course, now the headlines are, “‘Morning Joe’ Mocks MAGA Meltdown Over Judges Doing Their Jobs.” Finding Democrat hypocrisy online should take you no longer than 12 seconds online.

Left wingers in the 21st century live in a state of constant agitation where yesterday’s heroes (Tesla) become today’s villains (Tesla). Schumer is getting a lesson in just how nasty and violent his supporters are when they don’t get their way all the time.

AP reported, “Chuck Schumer postpones book tour amid liberal criticism over spending vote. Organizers of Chuck Schumer’s book tour say they have ‘security concerns’ about going to public appearances.” He fears being treated like a Tesla dealership.

I’d saying something about reaping whirlwinds he has sown, but the man cannot even grill a cheeseburger right. He’s Jewish. He shouldn’t be eating cheeseburgers anyway. The courts have de-legitimized themselves with farcical trials for a fake rape, a fake fraud and 34 fake felonies in New York. 77 million Americans rejected those unwarranted verdicts.

Did it never occur to the chief of the judicial branch of government that he should have stood up for this persecution of a former president? Surely the raid on Mar-a-Lago—in which Merrick Garland authorized using deadly force—gave Roberts the opportunity to repair the damage Democrats were doing to the reputation (and hence power) of the courts.

Roberts should have let Trump show his evidence of voter fraud in 2020 because it would have ended once and for all any claim that the deep state stole the election. I mean the deep state did steal the election, but a trial before the justices would have ended the argument. I get that Roberts did not want another 2000 election but the decision in Bush v. Gore ended the argument. The justices used their power of clarification, even in what clearly was a partisan decision.

A quarter-century later, we can admit it just as we can admit the 1876 election was stolen by Rutherford B. Hayes. The result in both cases oddly was unifying a nation. In 21st century eyes, the end of Reconstruction was terrible because it resulted in segregation, but it also allowed the nation to heal a dozen years after a civil war.

Oh, and that segregation was created by the Supreme Court when it overturned the Civil Rights Act of 1875 and concretized in Plessy v. Ferguson with its doctrine of separate but equal. In both cases the chief justices took the easy way out just as Roberts did.

The refusal to grant Trump his day in court means we now not only have lefties pissed about taking away their Roe but MAGA pissed over the 2020 election.

This conflict is not going to end with a happily ever after, is it?

Kurt Schlichter, a lawyer and retired infantry colonel, tweeted, “Just a reminder that the executive branch’s ability to simply ignore the judicial branch, though it should only be used in extremis, is a check and balance under the Constitution. “The legislative branch can impeach a judge. “The executive branch can ignore one. “We’re not ready to go there yet, but we will go there if we have to.” The big case before us now comes from the judge who thinks he’s an ATC who can order military jets about. He is demanding the administration say it ignored his order, but as Schlichter said, we are not there yet. The attorney general is working hard to keep us from getting there.

Pam Bondi wrote to Judge Barack Hussein Boasberg: “The underlying premise of these orders, including the most recent one requiring the production of these facts ex parte today at noon, is that the Judicial Branch is superior to the Executive Branch, particularly on non-legal matters involving foreign affairs and national security. The Government disagrees.

“The two branches are coequal, and the Court’s continued intrusions into the prerogatives of the Executive Branch, especially on a non-legal and factually irrelevant matter, should end.”

She also said, “What began as a dispute between litigants over the President’s authority to protect the national security and manage the foreign relations of the United States pursuant to both a longstanding Congressional authorization and the President’s core constitutional authorities has devolved into a picayune dispute over the micromanagement of immaterial fact-finding.”

Chief Roberts said elections have consequences. Now he should put his judicial authority where his words are. Maybe he is. Maybe he is communicating behind the lines to these district courts that they are going over-the-top with judicial power that exists only if orders can still be obeyed. But Roberts has yet to show he is anything more than a pantywaist. Some say Roger B. Taney lit the fuse on the Civil War with his Dred Scott decision in 1857 by trampling the right of Illinois and Wisconsin to free any slaves who entered their territory.

Enabling district judges to veto presidential actions is not the same thing. It is worse because it strips from everyone the right to elect the president of their choice. This article first appeared on Don Surber’s Substack. Reprinted here with permission.

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  1. American Free News Network, Don Stuber 3/22/2025