by Paul Vallely | Aug 29, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – After the now famous “six words” Obama uttered Thursday – “we don’t have a strategy yet” for dealing with ISIS, (or ISIL as Obama prefers to call them) in Syria, it was just more proof that Obama is...
by Paul Vallely | Aug 29, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – In a recent Facebook discussion on the Cowboy Logic page, several people posited that Republicans are pro-war and therefore are responsible for many of today’s ills across the globe, and most notably Iraq. As usual, the discussion...
by Paul Vallely | Aug 20, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – For almost six years as President, along with his campaign rhetoric prior, and his short stint in the Senate, Obama has railed against big business, fat cats, bankers, Wall Street, and beyond. He always tried to appeal to the masses as...
by Paul Vallely | Aug 16, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – The author of the following article is James A. Lyons, a U.S. Navy retired admiral, was commander in chief of the U.S. Pacific Fleet and senior U.S. military representative to the United Nations. Admiral Lyons is also a Kitchen Cabinet...
by Paul Vallely | Aug 5, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Of late, the ‘I-word’ has been thrown about liberally in relation to not only Obama, but also in relation to some of his cabinet, including AG Eric Holder. Great legal and political minds correctly determined that today,...
by Paul Vallely | Aug 4, 2014 | Politics-DC
Editor’s Note – Nancy Pelosi has been attributed with many off-the-wall comments, statements, speeches, and more. Now, she one-upped herself in a major breach of protocol and decorum. She has simply proven who the “insignificant person” is, and...