by editor | Apr 5, 2019 | Local/National News, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America
The Associated Press “Get ’em outta here!’ “Fascism rides in from the left not the right”…”History repeats itself and history is relevant!” Dr. Gordon Prange, Phd. The University of Maryland. Please define them. NICE...
by editor | Mar 29, 2019 | Local/National News, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America
Republican congressman reads Hitler quotes on the House floor to slam Democrats and the press Rep. Brooks Blasts Socialist & Media Use of “Big Lie Propaganda Theory” in Russia Collusion Scam Republican Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama read from ‘Mein...
by editor | Mar 2, 2019 | Articles, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America
God Bless America!……”stand beside her, and guide her, through the night with the light from above”… The Principles of War Revisited By: Paul E. Vallely, MG – US Army (Ret) Released by Stand Up America US Foundation 2/27/2019 After a...
by editor | Feb 22, 2019 | Military, National Security, Uncategorized
A Tribute to Admiral Ace Lyons: A 21st Century Swamp Fox By Joseph Schmitz February 16, 2019 “We the People” need now more than ever a few more “Swamp Foxes” like the late great Admiral James Aloysius “Ace” Lyons: a...
by editor | Feb 18, 2019 | Articles, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America, Terror
Patriots or Fools? Who Will Decide the Future of America By: Charles Jones BG (USAF Ret) and Paul Valley MG (U.S. Army Ret.)February 18, 2019 Members of the armed forces, police and all elected government officials take an oath, not to the government, but to the...
by editor | Jan 30, 2019 | Articles, National Security, Politics-DC, Secure America, World Events
“You mean Hillary and I will even get residuals on the back end”… “Thanks for your cut Frank” Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal Uranium investors gave millions to the Clinton Foundation while Secretary of State...