A Country Divided by Fear

A Country Divided by Fear

by George Mcclellan Our Country is at a serious crossroads. We are losing our God-given Constitutional America, and it is being stolen from us by Marxist Democrats. It can no longer be denied that the Democrat party is deliberately involved in destroying America with...
A Country Divided by Fear

What Are We Going to Do About It?

by George Mcclellan I heard the word “simmering” today used in the context of middle-class Americans watching their country being lost, absorbed into the idea of a New World Order by elitist thieves, scoundrels, and near-do-well and being unable to do anything about...
A Country Divided by Fear

Friends and Enemies, Christians and Jews

by George Mcclellan With friends like Democrats, who need enemies, especially if you are a pro-American Democratic country like Israel, sitting squarely in the center of its ancient homeland in the Middle East defending itself from the hordes of Iranian-backed Islamic...
DC’s Dirty Little Secret: ‘Endless Wars’ Haven’t Benefited Anyone Besides Defense Contractors


By Dr. Lani Kass The presidential election is still eight months away. Yet the campaign to preclude a second Trump administration has already reached a fever pitch. In the past two weeks, the public has been treated to “searing” images of the undemocratic, uncouth,...