Are Repeat of Events of Oct 1945 Needed?

Are Repeat of Events of Oct 1945 Needed?

By George Mcclellan Upon the conclusion of World War II, the Western powers immediately set about purging Nazi Germany of all remnants of National Socialism. Nazi’s were rounded up, tried and shot all over Germany. The Nuremberg trials of October 1945 however,...
Reforming the Federal Government [1]

Reforming the Federal Government [1]

By MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret) White House Executive Order By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 3301, 3302, and 7511 of title 5, United States Code, it is hereby ordered:...
Are Repeat of Events of Oct 1945 Needed?

Great Scam and How It Is Being Corrected

By George Mcclellan Guest Editorial: A great line uttered by George C. Scott in the movie Patton was: “We’ll go through the Hun like crap through a goose!” That’s what I see Donald Trump doing, flushing out the government goose of its imbedded...


By MG Paul Vallely and Thierry Laurent Will McAvoy : “The first step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one”. Since the election of president Trump, the Euro-Planet is burning HOT! The media are going belly up hysterically, inviting all sorts of...