Invictus – Master of His Fate

Invictus – Master of His Fate

By Paul E. Vallely MG US Army (Ret) We, as Patriot Americans, must be the Masters of our Fate in Restoring America and Our Constitution Out of the night that covers me,   Black as the Pit from pole to pole, I thank whatever gods may be      For my unconquerable soul....
Kamala Harris’s Sordid Past

Kamala Harris’s Sordid Past

Guest Editorial: Monica Showalter Suppose anyone has doubts about Kamala Harris’s inauthenticity, corner-cutting, and history of unethical and cheating behavior. In that case, this first-person account by California’s new GOP chairman, Harmeet Dhillon, should be made...
Kamala Harris’s Sordid Past

Controversy at the Military Academy

MG Paul E Vallely, US Army (Ret) by LTC Robert M. Heffington Guest Editorial Editorial Staff and Melissa Leon Robert Heffington’s letter comes after weeks of controversy at the Military Academy. Retired LTC Robert M. Heffington wrote the following letter as an open...