A Bright Future is Upon Us. Will Democrats Let Us Keep It?
By George Mcclellan The era of the Progressive Democrat rule (Socialism) of governing, i.e., arresting everyone except Democrats, and plundering their riches, has come to a halt. It's almost impossible in the extended Obamaworld we've inhabited for the past four years...

The Army is too top-heavy
By MG Paul E Vallely (RET) The Army is too top-heavy1 With its many missions, the U.S. Army is hard-pressed to meet the requirements of the National Defense Strategy at its current authorized end strength. A significant part of the problem is that the Army is awash in...

Political Targeting – When Did it Really Begin?
by George Mcclellan A comment in a recent article on the "American Liberty" internet site titled: "Surveillance State: How January 6th Turned Financial Scrutiny Into Political Targeting" starts on what I believe is a mistaken premise that the January 6 Capitol protest...

Canada: When Will America’s Orphaned Cousin Finally Accept its Rightful Invitation into the US Constitutional Republic?
By MG Paul E Vallely (RET) & Brad Wozny “Every Canadian is an American,” says retired US Army Major General Paul Vallely. His words echo true under the sense America’s Founding Fathers published the Articles of Confederation on November 15, 1777. As a history...

The Driving Force of Change, Resistance, & Anarchy is Fear
by George Mcclellan Politically, things are moving very fast in this election change-over, especially the speed of that one unmentioned ingredient, "fear." No one in politics wonders what Trump will do; they already know because he's proven when he says something, he...

Joe The Maleficent and WW3
by George Mcclellan Taking nothing away from Angelina Jolie's role in the movie Maleficent, Joe Biden epitomizes Jolie's angry, revenge-laden creature that still looms dangerously. As the twilight of his years descends upon him, his shuffling gait and thinning white...