It’s That Old “Kicking the Can Down the Road” Again Trick.
by George Mcclellan Some say the House GOP is in chaos and a free-fall decline, not knowing where it is going and how to get there. That’s the casual short-term thinking right now, not looking ahead down the road. Marjorie Taylor Green, the red-hot bombshell of...

What Are We Going to Do About It?
by George Mcclellan I heard the word “simmering” today used in the context of middle-class Americans watching their country being lost, absorbed into the idea of a New World Order by elitist thieves, scoundrels, and near-do-well and being unable to do anything about...

DC’s Dirty Little Secret: ‘Endless Wars’ Haven’t Benefited Anyone Besides Defense Contractors
By MG Paul E Vallely US Army (Ret) DC’s Dirty Little Secret: ‘Endless Wars’ Haven’t Benefited Anyone Besides Defense Contractors1 Bernie Sanders has shed some light on the profit-making bonanza being enjoyed by American weapons makers amid the proxy conflict in...

Friends and Enemies, Christians and Jews
by George Mcclellan With friends like Democrats, who need enemies, especially if you are a pro-American Democratic country like Israel, sitting squarely in the center of its ancient homeland in the Middle East defending itself from the hordes of Iranian-backed Islamic...

By Dr. Lani Kass The presidential election is still eight months away. Yet the campaign to preclude a second Trump administration has already reached a fever pitch. In the past two weeks, the public has been treated to “searing” images of the undemocratic, uncouth,...

Duty, Honor, Country
by James Atticus Bowden Over the past several days, a royal donnybrook has been spawned by the decision of the West Point Superintendent to remove the Academy motto, Duty, Honor, Country, from its mission statement. AFNN reached out to the MacArthur Society, and here...