
It is All About the Next Chess Moves

It is All About the Next Chess Moves

By MG Paul E. Vallely, USA (Ret.) Our Country is at a serious crossroads. We are losing our God-given Constitutional America, and it is being stolen from us by Marxist Democrats. It can no longer be denied that the Democrat party and the Globalists are deliberately...

It is All About the Next Chess Moves

Violations of Oath and Criminal Negligence

Elected Positions at Federal, State, and County Levels of Government Violations of Oath and Criminal Negligence By MG Paul E Vallely – MG US Army (Ret) Why are Governors, Mayors, and District Attorneys seemingly immune to the law regarding criminal negligence,...

It is All About the Next Chess Moves

Is the US Still the Leading World Military Power?

Guest Editorial: Philip Reichert The Stand Up America US Foundation has tracked US readiness since 2007. Recruiting and readiness have declined significantly under Pentagon leadership during the Administrations of Obama and O’ Biden. Yes, you can also blame the...

Has The FBI Forsaken Us? Can It Be Saved?

Has The FBI Forsaken Us? Can It Be Saved?

by Guest Editor George Mcclellan Regardless of their current orders to spy on and arrest Americans who disagree with Biden’s fascist state, the FBI does come through sometimes in a manner we desperately need. Eight ISIS operatives, all from Tajikistan, have been...

Eyes on China, Series 13.0

Eyes on China, Series 13.0

MG Paul E. Vallely, US Army (Ret), Chairman of Stand Up America US Foundation and the China Team United States Shall Strengthen Alliance with Australia Communist China’s premier, Li Qiang, will visit Australia around June 16th, 2024, with the intent to advance...

We Are Living a Lie

We Are Living a Lie

By George Mcclellan This cognitive declining sack of incoherent bones masquerading as a US President, Joe Biden, after three years of fundamentally changing America in the manner Barak Obama started, has proven beyond any doubt that the Democrat party, effectively the...

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