
General Thomas McInerney & General Paul Vallely joins His Glory: Take FiVe
General Thomas McInerney & General Paul Vallely joins His Glory: Take FiVe Support our HIS GLORY Family Partners! Do what you can do to help defund the swamp by investing your hard-earned dollars in Kingdom companies like these. Put everything else in God’s hands...

A New Regime Is Taking Over Our Military
Guest Editorial: Chase Spears The military, which by its nature imposes a culture of obedience and uniformity, and which enjoys the trust and respect of the great majority of Americans, is a key target of the group quota regime. Replacing the governing principles of...

Duty, Honor, Service
Duty, Honor, Country Commission Service Three Service Academy alumni organizations, noted above, have prepared a draft Presidential Executive Order to establish a Presidential Special U.S. Service Academies Commission through the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025. If...

The Debate” Signaled the Pitiful End
By George Mcclellan A disaster looms on the horizon for the Democrat Party. Joe Biden’s debate performance signaled the inevitable right turn of American politics. Now, too, the “Cat’s out of the Bag,” so to speak, after his disastrous performance left the world...

Why Won’t the US Help Negotiate A Peaceful End To The War In Ukraine?
GUEST EDITORIAL: TYLER DURDEN Authored by Jeffrey Sachs via, For the fifth time since 2008, Russia has proposed negotiating with the U.S. over security arrangements, this time in proposals made by President Vladimir Putin on June 14, 2024. Four previous...

In the International Arena there is no Rule of Law, only the Rule of Power.
Guest Editorial: Ted Belman In the International Arena there is no Rule of Law, only the Rule of Power. Israel’s title deeds to the land west of the Jordan R. are of no value unless she has the power to protect them The US State Department and the UK Foreign Office...