Editor’s Note – Just as people like Ed Klein write about how guilty Hillary is and that her advisors are telling her to secure the services of a criminal defense attorney, someone on the right steps on his own tongue and gives her the perfect foil to change the subject. Of course we all know that if it were not for the Select Committee’s fine work to date we may never have known about Hillary Clinton’s illegal email scandal.
Of course we do say illegal because it has been proven over and over but the vast population of America does not have the time to pay close attention to her lies and twisting stories. She depends upon keeping people in the dark, relying on short attention spans and memories with all her twists and turns, all the lies. Now she is pushing the new meme that she hopes will sweep the nation – that the Select Committee on Benghazi was always a political hit job and McCarthy’s statements prove it.

The Clinton Campaign logo at bottom right tells all you need to know about what they think of Kevin McCarthy’s gaffe.
She has already come out and uses the fact that four Americans are dead and the Republicans are using them for political gain smear, all when clear minded people know she is the one responsible for their deaths. On the morning talk shows she said the following:
“Look at the situation they chose to exploit, to go after me for political reasons: the death of four Americans in Benghazi,” Clinton said. “I knew the ambassador. I identified him. I asked him to go there. I asked the president to nominate him.” (Business Insider)
All we will hear from now on from her campaign will be Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s name because of his gaffe. Hillary and team will push her age old meme that there is a vast right wing conspiracy that has been trying to take her and her husband down all these years.
Those of us who follow her closely like Ed Klein does know full well that the whole Clinton schtick has always been a RICO act. Normally a shtick is a comedy routine, but the one left laughing last laughs best and that could be Hillary surviving yet another scandal that would have meant a long term stay behind bars for the regular American thanks to a man who aspires to be the new Speaker of the House.
McCarthy may have been taken out of context, but in his zeal he just could not help himself assail Hillary in decline. Many think he is a Boehner clone and if conservative Americans allow him to be the next leader, we should all think of the Who’s ‘song lyrics, “here’s the boss, same as the old boss”. America, ‘don’t be fooled again’, push for Jason Chaffetz to be the next Speaker. Call your congressman today, but even Jason thinks it may be too late!
The usual suspects are now joining Hillary in a ‘form of righteous indignation’. Media Matters is already pushing a petition to force an ethics investigation into the select committee while the FBI is actually doing a criminal investigation on Clinton. The left does not seek truth, only power – at any cost. They know a gift when they see one and are exploiting it in grand fashion already.
We can only hope that the rule-of-law trumps the Clinton RICO machine and their connections in the DOJ are overcome by the severity and extent of her illegal ways. Ethics investigation? That is rich, just like the Clintons.
Ed Klein: Hillary Adviser Warning Her to ‘Lawyer Up’
By Cathy Burke – Newsmax
Email scandal-plagued Hillary Clinton is reportedly getting some ominous advice from a longtime and trusted legal adviser: Lawyer-up. Edward Klein, author of “Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary,” writes on his website.
The unnamed confidante suggests Clinton hire a criminal defense lawyer in case she’s indicted for mishandling classified documents on her private email server, and for allegedly lying under oath.
“This e-mail thing is spiraling out of control,” the Clinton adviser tells Klein. “To paraphrase John Dean of Watergate fame, it’s a cancer on her candidacy. Frankly, I am used to my advice on legal matters being taken very seriously and acted upon by the Clintons.”
“I’ve told them repeatedly that this FBI e-mail investigation could go in a very dangerous direction very quickly,” he adds, according to Klein. “But Hillary is still acting as though it’s a political smear job by right-wing zealots.”
The adviser tells Klein that Justice Department prosecutors expect the FBI probe on the case to wrap up as soon as the end of this year.
“Hillary needs to secure the services of an expert legal counsel—preferably a big-league defense attorney from the Republican side of the aisle,” the adviser tells Klein. “She needs someone to find out whether the FBI and Justice Department are likely to conclude that she’s violated federal laws governing national security.”
He also notes joking about the issue hasn’t helped her case. “By joking about her email problem and treating it like a PR issue, she’s only hurting herself, maybe mortally, with the prosecutors,” Klein quotes the adviser saying. “Insulting career FBI and Justice Department investigators is a very bad and ill-advised strategy. You don’t want to be blindsided.
And if you ignore it, pretend it is a partisan ploy, and act scornfully, it will blindside you.”
“There is going to be blood in the water,” the adviser warns. “The investigators are looking for weak links to get to the bottom of what went on with Hillary’s national security emails. And I’m afraid they will find it.”