Editor’s Note – Paging John Kerry, paging Secretary of State John Kerry…there is an urgent call awaiting you. That call is a call to reality!
You sir need to read history, read the laws of all involved, and have a reality check/intervention performed upon for you. Shouldn’t the Secretary of State be briefed on such things, or do they just wish to ignore them because these details do not fit their designs – debasing and diminishing Israel – isn’t it obvious?
By the way John, ‘Palestine’ is a fictitious name and there is no such race, creed, or nationality. (Read more about the history of the so-called name ‘Palestine’ here entitled “Palestine: History of a Name” which is a rebuttal to Reza Aslan’s “Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth”.)
As we have mentioned many times in recent weeks, John Kerry and Obama are forcing Israel into an untenable position in the so-called “peace negotiations” with the ‘Palestinians’ at a time when there are much more important issues facing the Israelis and our own National Security. Syria, Iran, Southern Sudan, Hezbollah, al Qaeda, Benghazi come to mind along with our own crashing domestic state.
Yet, John Kerry and the “Israeli-Haters Club” make this a priority, while ignoring certain facts pertaining to the so-called ‘peace-talks’ that is the latest instance that proves the Einstein definition of insanity!

PHILISTIA IN THE TIME OF JESUS (4 B.C. – 30 A.D.) but there was never a “Nation of Palestine” as Islamists and leftists want us to believe. In reality, Palestine was an ancient name for a vague geographic region of Israel or Terra Sancta ruled either by Jews or Christians. No “Palestinian Arab people” existed until 1920, when the British occupying force carved out a “Palestine.” (Map via the Library of Congress)
Under Palestinian law, if Abbas signs a peace agreement with Israel he would be subject to the death penalty
I’ve discussed how central the bogus “right of return” is to Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Arab leadership, and how the West ignores this fact. Mahmoud Abbas and the entire Palestinian Arab leadership (not to mention their friends in the anti-Israel community) have turned this fake “right” into a key component of their demands for any “peace” agreement – and have elevated this demand to damn thousands of Syrians to death.
Palestinian Arabs make no secret that the purpose of this “right” is to destroy the Jewish state demographically, and this is exactly why they refuse to recognize that Israel is in fact the Jewish state. The end game is to create three or four Palestinian states – in Jordan, which is majority Palestinian; in the West Bank, possibly in Gaza and (of course) in Israel.
It turns out that Abbas signed a law in 2008 to enshrine this “right” to destroy Israel in PA law. Not only that, but this law ensures that any agreement that modifies this “right” is null and void, and high treason.
Under PLO law, if Mahmoud Abbas signs a peace treaty with Israel that doesn’t pave the way for the destruction of Israel, he is guilty of high treason and is subject to the death penalty.
Western diplomats who think that there is a possibility of peace with the PLO must read this.
Here is the bulk of the law:
The law of the right of return for Palestinian refugees No. (1) for the year 2008
The right of return for Palestinian refugees to their homes and property and compensation for their suffering is a sacred and inalienable right that cannot compromised or exchanged; it is beyond the scope of jurisprudence or interpretation or referendum.
The right of return is the natural individual and collective civil and political right that moves from parents to children and does not disappear over time, by the signing of any agreement, and it may not be disposed of or waived in any way.
The Zionist occupation bears full responsibility for the political, legal and humanitarian and moral suffering of the Palestinian people and the non-recognition of the right to self-determination. Britain bears historical responsibility for the suffering of the Palestinian people. The international community bears full responsibility to lift and remove the suffering of the Palestinian people.
The Palestinians have the right to sue the Zionist occupation for their suffering caused to the Palestinian people and their demands for compensation for damage to their emotional or material damage.
Resettlement of Palestinian refugees may not be a substitute for the right of return.
Anyone who violates the provisions of this Act shall be guilty of the crime of high treason against him and subject to all criminal and civil penalties prescribed for this crime.
Anything that is contrary to the provisions of this law is canceled, null and void and any legislation or agreement that detracts from the right of return violates the provisions of this law.
Issued on: 01/08/2008 AD
Mahmoud Abbas
Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization
President of the Palestinian National Authority
Is that clear enough? Read more here on this law.