Editor’s Note – ‘Bull Shit’ is officially a campaign word now. Yes, we said Bull Shit – the Obama USDA is now investing your $5 million into Bull Shit.
Solyndra already became a code word for Bull Shit, now we can just use the correct term – Bull Shit!
15 whole jobs – at 15. At $333,333 per job created – is this a permanent set of Bull Shit jobs?
Obama Invests $5 Million In Bullshit Energy
Tyler Dryden says:
Just when we thought we had seen the epic failure of every single possible “alternative energy” project by this administration, along comes the announcement that the USDA is investing $5 million in a “biogas anaerobic digester” that will use “cow manure to heat an ethanol plant and create 15 permanent jobs.”
Which for anyone confused, is roughly exactly what it sounds like. Perhaps if “Hope and Change” is a little passe now, a far more appropriate slogan for the 2012 Campaign will be “From Bullshit to Jobs, and Back Again.”
From the Washington Examiner:
Western Plains Energy, LLC, a Kansas company, will use the money to “utilize waste energy resources from a local cattle feedlot to replace almost 90 percent of the fossil fuels currently used” at the plant.
“Projects such as this are a key part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above approach to American energy that is supporting the development and usage of renewable energy, revitalizing rural economies and creating an America built to last,” USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack said in a statement touting this project as an example of the policies that cut dependence on foreign oil.
“Animal waste from a local feedlot will be the primary feedstock that Western Plains will use for the digester,” USDA added. “Support for renewable energy projects such as these is an example of the many ways USDA is helping revitalize rural economies.”
USDA expects the project to create 15 permanent jobs and 100 temporary construction jobs.
So how many shit shovelers does it take to run a “biogas anaerobic digester”? Apparently 15. At $333,333 a poop, pardon pop.
Sorry folks. We only wish this was a joke.